Andy Broad
10/20/2009 5:00:25 AM
Postcard Blues - Youtube Video
Here's a new clip reocrded with my webcam.
To be honest I did it more as a test for a piece of software I'm working on, but I liked the result so put it up for general consumption.
Tec stuff for the musos:
The guitar is my Matthew Carter acoustic, it's plugged into a Behrigner VAmp Pro, which I use to compensate for the dodgy pickup, make recording a near realistic acoustic sound very easy.
Tec stuff for the geeks:
I recorded the audio in HD-Rec on my SAM-Flex 776Mhz running AmigaOS4.1 with a terratec phase 22 sound card, and captured the video seperatly on my linux server. Then dragged the video file accross and edited the results in my port of Blender for AmigaOS4.1. Altghough Blender is a 3D CGI app it's got a really good video sequence editor buit in. It's also open source....