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2/4/2008 10:24:36 AM
Another guitarist bites the dust for TNT!
One month!
I ask you One lousy month, and we're already back to being a three piece outfit!
Our recent recruit just wasn't working out for us, and we're now less than 2 weeks from the first gig in 5-6 years.
It's funny but as a three piece we get a sound that's okay, but whenever we try to add another member the sound just fills up in the WRONG way!
We're going to have to do the first two gigs as a three piece which means me learning most of the parts again as we'd spent weeks learning them with 2 guitars.
We just don't seem to be able to get a guitarist in who compliments the sound rather than destroying it.
Oh well, back to the drawing board I guess.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Two Silo Complex
2/4/2008 11:33:20 AM
First ask yourself this question:
Why do we want to be a four piece?
...Hold it....breath...think...
Now ask :
Was the music written to be a four piece?
If the answer is no then you must re-write the music before the second guitar player is there.
If the answer is yes then it’s just a matter of finding the right guitar player.
Without knowing the situation it seems like you have a preconceived notion of what the second guitar player should be doing to compliment the existing players. If so is this being explained to the second guitar player?
Getting everyone to work together is a matter of communication and compatibility.
First make sure the music is meant for a four piece then communicate what it is you want to the other member. After that it is only a matter of time.
Hope this helps.

2/4/2008 11:47:10 AM
Thankyou for the advice, it's appreciated.
We, (well actually I...) want to change to a four piece so that
a) I can become less static on stage. (Difficult to move around much when your rooted to a mic stand or a pedal board).
b) On some of the more vocally challenging tracks I can give my full attention to singing.
Yes most of the songs we play were written for two guitars.
Both the originals AND the covers, but the ones that were not, I HAVE performed successfully in other foru piece bands.
Live we play a mix of classic rock including:
Lynyrd Skynrd, Bruce springsteen, Bruce Dickinson.
I guess if I'm honest it's the quality of guitarist we've been struggling with. Lots of players who tell you about all the great technical stuff they can do, (and they can), but when it comes to playing in a real live band, they just haven't got a clue!
As for our own material, well when I write I don't write for ant format in particular. I just write the basics and then the arrangements come hwen I start laying down the demo's for the band. sometimes just one guitar part, sometimes several parts.
Another part of it IS the inter communication with the band. TNT has worked so well as a three piece because we in stinctively follow each others lead. I know that as the lead singer and sole guitarist, I can go off on one unexpectedly in a live show, and the bass and drums will follow.
It is a possibility I have considered that my expectation may well be far too high.

Maria Daines
2/4/2008 12:57:10 PM
Oh sorry to read this guys, we don't have this problem with guitarists but we do have exactly the same with drummers, in fact if we lived nearer to you I would have suggested we could help each other out, Paul could have played guitar for you if we could share your drummer & we could have set up some double barrelled gigs! Wishful thinking out loud LOL!! Anyway good luck in finding someone, it's not easy, we've had our ad up online & in the local news, tried a few people out but since our drummer moved to Spain in Sept last year we just can't seem to find 'the one'! We'll keep on trying and I'm sure you will too.
All the best
M&P :)

2/4/2008 1:17:36 PM
Thanks for the support.
There are time being in and particularly RUNNING a band that other things just seem to take over importance from the music.

Duane Flock
2/4/2008 5:50:10 PM
We had that problem for quite sometime in our cover band. I played guitar for years and I switched to bass, but I also learned a technique to combine the two by playing a lot of octive notes along with the bass note. Ex: G (e-string third fret and d-string 5th fret) then alternate the two. Plus, I play a 5-string Ken Smith with active p-ups and a low-B. We shared the vocals so that the guitarist could do all the fills. At that time we had a guitarist that played as well as Joe Satriani. When we lost that same guitarsist, it put a huge hole in our sound. Oddly enough, we bounced back by finding a fair-good guitarist (about my speed), a great female singer/front person, and a keys player. Now I can switch off with the guitarist and do some of my originals when I want to. All this occured in the last 2-3 months.
So far...... so good...........
Point is, find out what you can do to make things better and open more doors for yourself in the process.
Good Luck,

No Rhythm
2/5/2008 12:07:00 AM
Personally I think you should disband and send your bass player to me.........I'm serious.............Ok all jokes aside, it sounds like you know exactly what you want, keep auditioning, untill you find someone who matches your ideal, or near enough to it.
As for that instinctive playing, you have to remember how long you three have been playing together, and then think back to the first couple of times you played, it would have had a few hiccups while you were all learning the new material, give the new guy a bit of time to find his feet, remember probably 100% of your old stuff is brand new to him.
Thus endeth the sermon.
Cheers Mark

2/5/2008 6:13:10 AM
I prefer to let each individual player bring their own toys to the party!
That way you get the best out of everyone!!!

2/5/2008 8:57:29 AM
I've just had some great news from my Bass player.
He's contacted a guy called Ivan who played with us a couple of time years ago, and he'd LOVE to join the band.
It's ideal because
a) I know he can play the material
b) I know we all get on well
c) I know he's got the dedication like the rest of us to make it work no matter what.
I'm chuffed to bits that we've found someone so quickly.
now if we can just get the first two gigs sorted as a three piece without destroying the name of the band, (16th and 23rd February!) we can get him in and start rehearsing.
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