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7/30/2009 8:04:05 PM
Cool way to get new listeners for IAC!!!
The voting system for this song competition is a very cool way that IAC have figured to get new listeners to come and sign up for a free listener page!
Top marks for marketing, and I hope it will bring us all some new fans.
Ian Hooley - TNT

7/30/2009 10:35:52 PM
All of the plays have gone through the roof since this kicked off------kudos to the organisers-----having that votes button so we can watch the progress is genius!!!
I wish it to go on and on -----------------and on!

Richard Scotti
7/31/2009 3:11:06 AM
I agree, Rob. That "sort by #vote" button is the bomb! The contest in general is really increasng site traffic in general as well as increased station adds and I'm discovering new artists who I probably never would have heard had it not been for the contest.

8/3/2009 9:58:04 AM
I think the fact that people have to sign up to vote helps a lot.
They probably feel that even if they've just signed up to vote for their friends, they might as well have a good look around whilst they're logged in.
A great idea.
I'm pleased that this site seems to be heading in the right direction still as I believe it kicks the *rs* out of sites like myspace as far as music goes.
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