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Bryon Tosoff
9/2/2022 5:38:06 PM
You will eat bugs and own nothing and be happy!
ya Vol ,bugs are gud for you! crickets and meal worms are the new steak and chicken coming soon to a market near you, imagine firing up the stove and cooking pizza and meal worms and crickets yummy .
meat grown in labs. ya vol. I vant you to repeat after me, I will eat bugs, I vill own nuttiin
and I vill be appy. Ya Vol
Biggest cricket farm in the world is in London Ontario built by Ellis Don. This factory will produce 9000 metric tons of crickets a year. Already in Europe Meal Worms have been okayed for use in making sausages. (Meal Worms are larvae of Beetles, not the Beatles thank goodness)
No thank you, Mr and Mrs Elites you eat them, I will eat what has been a normal diet since young, real meat and spuds How about you, done any research on this, It is coming soon
gag barf and puke on even thinking about this!!
have a nice desert and a cup of java, not made from bugs crickets and meal worms
9/3/2022 5:15:34 PM
Agree Bryon! These guy's are so full
of shit, it is unpleasant to watch any
speech they may make! The sooner
the peeps wake up to this manipulation
the better for us all to progress to a
sensible level of living a normal life!
Best bit? WEF Etal are funded by
tax payers money ... yeah, we are paying
them to provide this BS, and they expect
us to roll over and accept this shite!
Never ...!
9/4/2022 5:23:56 AM
I like my crickets medium rare!
Paul groover
9/4/2022 6:12:20 PM
Ever feel you are being gaslighted. Anything to keep the public eye away from what's happening right now. Here is an example a marathon in South Africa 74 in hospital and 2 dead. What did they all have in common they were all vaccinated for C19. It was a requirement of entry. Did you hear that on the news i bet you did.
Chandra Moon
9/4/2022 6:21:22 PM
Well I’ve been veggie since 1969 so I won’t be adding bugs to my nut roast!
Bryon Tosoff
9/4/2022 11:29:41 PM
Bugs Crickets Meal worms on this post thanks. spread it on your toast soon., yum
9/6/2022 1:16:24 AM
Well, in the places of the world where starvation is rampant, this may be a saving grace. I suppose anything is better than starvation. No, I don't want to eat that shit but I don't disparage those that do. It has been estimated that within 20 years from now meat will only be available to the super rich. the rest of us will be consuming something creepy crawly that substitutes for meat and an assortment of grains. Fuck! Don't take away my chicken man! That may cause a serious upheaval.
9/6/2022 9:18:42 AM
Soylent Green is people!
9/7/2022 1:44:05 PM
Eat the rich (the following bastards liars politicians) (trudeau, biden, macron, Zelensky Putin, quite tasty ) help the poor ( you me and brother John Mary and Boo Boo)
8/2/2023 11:07:47 PM
I am a student. I came across your blog while doing homework for school. I will subscribe to your blog Hope you write again soon. https://myaccesshealth.com
Paul groover
8/3/2023 8:56:24 PM
Just because some fucking mad eugenicist billionaires says it going to happen. Does it mean it will really happen. Not by a long chalk.Life is like a stricken line woe be tide the man who breaks that stricken line
8/8/2023 6:08:06 PM
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