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12/15/2011 9:28:27 PM
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2/17/2008 9:58:01 AM
Can a 2-song guy get respect here?


IAC Prime Member



2/17/2008 9:58:01 AM

Can a 2-song guy get respect here?
I've been wondering if a 2-song guy like me can make it here, or do you need to go prime and load up a bunch of songs? Got a take on this?

Kurt Kurtley

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

2/17/2008 10:02:53 AM

All you can do
is do what you can
nothin wrong
with a 2-song man

I've seen people hit the big times with only 1 song. I think it largely depends on the song. ONe good song is better than 30 bad songs. Isn't it?

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Andy Broad

2/17/2008 10:48:28 AM

I'd say you've some respect allready, a few station adds for songs and a number of pages linking to yours.

Go prime if you want to put more somgs but not just to 'chase respect' you can never 'catch' it any way.

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the kozy king

2/17/2008 10:57:48 AM

You should get some respect from artists with only one song up...

Seriously, the cost of prime should be within anyone's reach, considering the fun that comes from each tune posted.

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2/17/2008 11:28:20 AM

Hey you know what they say! It's quality not quantity - two great songs can get you further than 10 mediocre ones. But of course 10 great ones would be even better. You'll be very tempted to go Prime before too long I'm certain - Verity (Pipeline Princess)

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fly on the wall

2/17/2008 11:31:31 AM

My cutoff line for respect is 2.7 quality songs. If you don't have that, forget about me buying any pin-up posters. :~D

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2/17/2008 12:39:18 PM

....Quality before quantity. Before I went Prime, my song "Syntheny For Jay" was #1 in the Ambient chart for a couple of months! And was top 3 for many weeks. It's still in the top 300 over a year later.

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2/17/2008 12:51:12 PM

We have "prime" but sometimes, we have songs that are neglected!

With only two, you may have more chance of charting-----but variety is the spice of life! (someone said that once apparently)

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Susan Raven

2/17/2008 2:19:34 PM

Welcome to IAC!
All the wisdom about quality over quantity has been said already... but going prime has some great advantages - for example, if, like me, you have a couple of CD's released, you can make really good preview stations of your albums...

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Vincenzo Pandolfi

2/17/2008 6:09:17 PM


If you create music and you respect others who create music, and you are involved in the community you will have all the respect you deserve and more.

The quantity of songs is not as important as what is in your heart!!

Welcome to IAC!


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Joe Dumpe

2/17/2008 7:51:41 PM

As long as I can listen to other independent musicians' work, I'll be fine with two songs. So, it's not a problem for me.

I don't have that many songs recorded anyways... : )

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Two Silo Complex

2/18/2008 8:34:42 AM

The human nature is to want more of a good thing. Once people hear your music if they like it they will want more. This does not mean you can't succeed with only two songs.

Being an active part of the community and good quality music will get you "respect" .


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Maria Daines

2/18/2008 12:14:05 PM

Welcome to IAC Kurt & I hope you really enjoy the music & the community, it sure does rock on many levels :)


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