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Views for this Topic: 1154

12/15/2011 9:28:27 PM
New Tune - My Other Life

12/13/2011 9:45:58 PM
Threat of new music from Lars Mars coming soon.

5/1/2010 5:07:44 PM
New song - "Take Me Away"

4/27/2009 5:08:24 PM
Of Live Horns, Dead friends and the mortality of the musician ....Will his music live on?

4/21/2009 6:40:35 AM
Is the "New" front page killing the pipeline?

3/17/2009 11:05:23 PM
Good God! I've Been Mortalized In Song...(HAHAHAHA!!!)

3/8/2009 10:41:29 AM
A new station - Pipeline People

2/2/2009 8:57:18 PM
In The Last Year at IAC....

1/15/2009 5:03:48 PM
Going back to the USA for two weeks....

1/11/2009 4:02:32 AM
For those of you old enough to remember....

1/9/2009 9:33:30 PM
Feb, Oh Feb, where have you gone???

1/1/2009 5:04:06 PM
NewYear....New Song....

12/22/2008 8:45:12 PM
New Tune Up....She Makes Me Smile!

12/16/2008 3:49:28 PM
In the True Spirit of the Season...

12/6/2008 11:32:55 PM
Could this be the Greatest Cover of a Great Song?

12/5/2008 8:18:54 PM
Doing Damage to a Christmas Carol to avoid the IAC Police

12/3/2008 5:48:27 AM
First new song since going "Prime"....

11/30/2008 7:13:44 PM
Call a Priest! (or Rabbi!)...it's the Death of the "Two Song Guy"

11/25/2008 7:39:16 PM
Com'm...the Frauds have been Artists of the Day so long....

11/7/2008 8:36:56 PM
IN Defense of Indie Music and Misc. Ramblings.....

9/3/2008 1:52:05 AM
Can You Believe They're Dragging the Poor SOB Boyfriend of Bristol Palin to the Convention?

7/7/2008 3:08:58 PM
Cover Another IAC Artist....win a prize!

3/17/2008 11:25:18 AM
All-time Favorite "Space" songs....

2/17/2008 9:58:01 AM
Can a 2-song guy get respect here?


IAC Prime Member



9/3/2008 1:52:05 AM

Can You Believe They're Dragging the Poor SOB Boyfriend of Bristol Palin to the Convention?
Wow, just when you think they can't get any lower, they re-invent the basement! The poor bastard is gonna pay for THAT erection!

And can the Republicans get anymore pathetic? Maybe they can convince everybody that abstinence really works! Oops, that's out!

Maybe Bush can make his speech from downtown Baton Rouge, in the storm, like the poor schlep from the Weather Channel!

When all else fails, say "nine-eleven" real slow, with a real serious look on your face.

Speaking of faces, since Sarah Palin is an NRA lifer, maybe she can maintain the proud tradition of VPs shooting their friends in the face!

Hey, Larree, are we the only sane ones out there?

And where is "there"?

I gotta get my meds adjusted, for a minute I thought we were going to try to elect a President of the United States!

Looks like we're just revving up for a new season of HeeHaw!

Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are.....

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9/3/2008 2:16:27 AM

"The poor bastard is gonna pay for THAT erection!"

LOL - good one!

And don't despair Kurt, there are many more sane people in the USA, it's just that the old biblical saying about "empty vessels" and "most noise" is entirely true - most especially where politics and religion are concerned!

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Holo Lukaloa

9/7/2008 8:21:44 AM

Hey Kurt Kurtly. Larree loves Palin. You paying attention or only to my blogs?

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Kevin White

9/7/2008 12:02:36 PM

That particular photo was courtesy of photoshop.


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