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Views for this Topic: 1147

12/15/2011 9:28:27 PM
New Tune - My Other Life

12/13/2011 9:45:58 PM
Threat of new music from Lars Mars coming soon.

5/1/2010 5:07:44 PM
New song - "Take Me Away"

4/27/2009 5:08:24 PM
Of Live Horns, Dead friends and the mortality of the musician ....Will his music live on?

4/21/2009 6:40:35 AM
Is the "New" front page killing the pipeline?

3/17/2009 11:05:23 PM
Good God! I've Been Mortalized In Song...(HAHAHAHA!!!)

3/8/2009 10:41:29 AM
A new station - Pipeline People

2/2/2009 8:57:18 PM
In The Last Year at IAC....

1/15/2009 5:03:48 PM
Going back to the USA for two weeks....

1/11/2009 4:02:32 AM
For those of you old enough to remember....

1/9/2009 9:33:30 PM
Feb, Oh Feb, where have you gone???

1/1/2009 5:04:06 PM
NewYear....New Song....

12/22/2008 8:45:12 PM
New Tune Up....She Makes Me Smile!

12/16/2008 3:49:28 PM
In the True Spirit of the Season...

12/6/2008 11:32:55 PM
Could this be the Greatest Cover of a Great Song?

12/5/2008 8:18:54 PM
Doing Damage to a Christmas Carol to avoid the IAC Police

12/3/2008 5:48:27 AM
First new song since going "Prime"....

11/30/2008 7:13:44 PM
Call a Priest! (or Rabbi!)...it's the Death of the "Two Song Guy"

11/25/2008 7:39:16 PM
Com'm...the Frauds have been Artists of the Day so long....

11/7/2008 8:36:56 PM
IN Defense of Indie Music and Misc. Ramblings.....

9/3/2008 1:52:05 AM
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7/7/2008 3:08:58 PM
Cover Another IAC Artist....win a prize!

3/17/2008 11:25:18 AM
All-time Favorite "Space" songs....

2/17/2008 9:58:01 AM
Can a 2-song guy get respect here?


IAC Prime Member



2/2/2009 8:57:18 PM

In The Last Year at IAC....
...since I joined, I have read and participated in the the Pipeline as many others do. I only have one year to relate to, but in that year I have seen it go from...

Free spirited, music-centric comments and discussions - to

Politically charged, and then politically devisive and occassionally downright ugly - to

Post election, interpersonal viciousness, borderline hysteria and negativity that I find appalling.

I realize that a blog spot will attract a varied crowd, and that not every participant is on an even keel, but C'MON!!!

Good people are being driven away, paranoia has replaced tolerance, the "keepers of the flame" here have gotten pretty trigger happy, perhaps necessarily so....I don't know, but I do know that anger, innuendo and deceit are NOT the tools of success and happiness.

What's it gonna take to stop the pissiness, and the constant "one upmanship" attitude that seems to be pervading this Pipe.

And to the snipers who attack, and then put a smiley face after it, gimme a break!
It is my experience that most people who end with "Just kidding!" are not.

I think this is supposed to be an Indepenent Music Site....so I'll end my mini-rant with a quote from my favorite IAC artist,

"THE MUSIC IS THE MESSAGE...THE MUSIC IS THE MESSAGE" - (Thank you Mr. Ison for the mantra)



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The Man With No Band

2/2/2009 9:07:23 PM ---- Updated 2/2/2009 9:08:10 PM

I think it's surely bottomed out ... and there's nowhere left but up from here ...

so ... maybe all is not lost ... sometimes a forest has to burn to the ground to flush out the undergrowth ... and good things generally rise from the ashes ...

said the the tanked man ... with the tanked dog ...

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the perfect banana

2/2/2009 9:11:11 PM ---- Updated 2/2/2009 9:12:11 PM

I've seen you be sniping at negative a few times, kk. Strange like you'd act like you're above that.

It's also really irritating how many people have tried to use an isolated incident with one drunk psycho to push blanket statements like yours. The pipeline today was so boring it almost made me puke when I saw the topics. This is of course my personal tastes, not trying to say everybody should feel that way, but there weren't a lot of harmful words going out there, so your post comes off to me as erroneous grandstanding.

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The Man With No Band

2/2/2009 9:15:11 PM

Kurt ... I do believe you are being addressed by a banananananaaaannnnana ...

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2/3/2009 2:47:41 AM

Kurt, I thought it was brave of you to say that since YOU joined the site it has gone downhill or did I misunderstand that :) (Now that is the way to attack someone and end it with a smiley because it's obviously a bit of harmless repartee)

I'm replying to your comment of

Quote.... "And to the snipers who attack, and then put a smiley face after it, gimme a break! It is my experience that most people who end with "Just kidding!" are not." ....Unquote.

Unfortunately IAC has no range of actual smileys and I've always thought this a shame. You can get some really sophisticated ones now that express every possible emotion and leave the recipient in no doubt about how the comment should be recieved.

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2/3/2009 2:58:02 AM

True Jilly - emoticons might help.

But politics will always divide, that is the real purpose of our system, to divide the populace and thereby to maintain the status quo. I mean, how come our various governments can find BILLIONS to bail out the banks and BILLIONS to propogate wars, but cannot adequately fund education and healthcare???? It has to be down to their agenda. (skull-and-crossbones smiley required)

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Cat Ize

2/3/2009 9:18:25 PM

nice post Kurt but then you are as we all at two cats hunting know - the zen master of descending bass lines in association with ascending messages - more power to ya bro. . . .

GO ZMOS!!!!!!



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2/3/2009 10:40:39 PM

Tommy, Cat (and the rest of the crew),

You guys never fail to bring a smile to my face! Thanks for the nod and the good vibes you provide!


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Cat Ize

2/5/2009 12:57:05 AM

right back atcha zmos -

cat - peace brother

ps did you dig the g-kids while stateside?

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Conversation Suicide

2/5/2009 1:42:47 AM ---- Updated 2/5/2009 1:44:31 AM

hmmmmm..... I try to be honest when my sarcasm is dripping blood, and have my posts create their OWN smiley-happy shiney-baby-puppy faces, when I'm being smiley.... so not sure what you're talkin' about.

BUT It is a REAL shame to have lost Anjuli & Brendan.

Here's a tall glass o' Guiness to their quick return.



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2/5/2009 2:08:50 PM


It was volatile the first week we joined ---back in 2006 Dr Terribol roamed the pipeline!!

since then it has gone up and down --the end of 2007 was a high point (from memory) with everyone pulling together ---then politics flared as we built to the US elections---

I applaud your post because we should ALL think b4 we post negative shit (like banana does)---it just makes EVERYONE grumpy imo!

Banana---occasionally ewe have cracked me up--I think ewe are just not thinking hard enough b4 ewe post ???

----just ask yourself what am I trying to achieve here?

insert smiley face with stern look

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the perfect banana

2/5/2009 2:12:48 PM

Hey Silverhead Studio, is English your second language? You seem to struggle with grasping my meaning. I would try to oblige this by including footnotes but I'm too lazy, sorrree.

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