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Views for this Topic: 1145

12/15/2011 9:28:27 PM
New Tune - My Other Life

12/13/2011 9:45:58 PM
Threat of new music from Lars Mars coming soon.

5/1/2010 5:07:44 PM
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4/27/2009 5:08:24 PM
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4/21/2009 6:40:35 AM
Is the "New" front page killing the pipeline?

3/17/2009 11:05:23 PM
Good God! I've Been Mortalized In Song...(HAHAHAHA!!!)

3/8/2009 10:41:29 AM
A new station - Pipeline People

2/2/2009 8:57:18 PM
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1/1/2009 5:04:06 PM
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12/22/2008 8:45:12 PM
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12/16/2008 3:49:28 PM
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12/3/2008 5:48:27 AM
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7/7/2008 3:08:58 PM
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3/17/2008 11:25:18 AM
All-time Favorite "Space" songs....

2/17/2008 9:58:01 AM
Can a 2-song guy get respect here?


IAC Prime Member



3/17/2009 11:05:23 PM

Good God! I've Been Mortalized In Song...(HAHAHAHA!!!)
Okay, Jilliane, you win. Hands down. No one has ever, and I mean ever gone to such extreme trouble to say "HEY!! Asshole!! Over here!!! You missed somebody!!!". Of course, you've now set the bar mighty high for everyone else I've missed But hey, that's their problem, isn't it!

Thanks for the more than humorous send up, it has been duly noted.

I should also point out that listening to something like this whilst enjoying one's morning coffee can be injurious to one's nostrils!



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3/18/2009 5:10:26 AM

Aaaah! you're a good sport Kurt, one never knows how one's audience will react to being used in this way......but your name (whether it's real or not) was irresistible, my rhyming dictionary is so well thumbed now.

If anyone is confused here's a link.

Kurt Kurtley please don't desert me

I don't blame you for missing me, I have been writing as Jilly and uploading as Safe to enter or Family album with poor old Jillianne relegated to a back catalogue while she finishes her new band project. Anyway thanks Kurt and I hope you don't get inundated with pleading tribute songs now...Jx

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3/18/2009 5:45:04 AM

He missed me too, but I ain't writin' no song for the bastid. :)

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3/18/2009 6:34:45 AM

FT - Ya know, I'm still working on the station....plus that damn lava lamp just freaks me out!

Jilliane - I hope to have a suitable rebuttal for you shortly. You made my day/week/month with the Kurt Kurtley send up. Priceless!


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