Leo Bowers
9/17/2009 8:05:46 PM
Like It- Love It
The fact of the matter is IAC makes it possible for musicians and aspiring artist to get their stuff heard by different people all over web-town and that’s a plus for people like me who happen to be on a very low budget and working with what we have at our disposals.
The whole purpose of hosting musicians (as I see it) is to have something to host in the first place! I mean if a music web-site didn’t have musicians or artist to be on their sites and pages they couldn’t very well have a functional medium to present to the public therefore nothing much would be happening for them now would it?
My next point touches on common sense which by the way nowadays is a (bad word phrase) almost like saying the “S” word! It seems that if you operate doing basic math and getting your balances right businesses and the proverbial “Self Boinkers” will run, hide and avoid dealing with you simply because they realize you have the ability to think!
Which brings me to my next and final point; If I pick through dumpsters to get money to buy a truck to get money to buy a house etc… and I’m truly working the steps I’ll get up one way or the other by my efforts and maybe even find a little help along the way. I’ll have learned a valuable lesson that simply states this; don’t pay money to someone saying pay me and I’ll show you how to pay yourself!
When I place my music on music sites that host for free I am in essence paying them right from the start, maybe not in cash, but my presence helps them draw and not to seem vain, but my music helps a little too all across the board. Even the folks who may not like my presentation or delivery still get ideas or learn something from it admittedly or not the fact is all of us here paying and non-paying are helping, including the “bad guys” because if it weren’t for them trying and being caught how would we learn to deal with them in this life? Face it people they’ll always be around, so make good use of them.
If you are among the numbers fortunate enough to have the funds to pay at this time I personally salute you and hope soon to be able to join your ranks not so much to be accepted onto some social platform by artist or host, but moreover just to help a little more. First things first though; get the extra, buy the extra within reason.
What this site provides is more than reasonable and I am thankful for functioning sites that provide tools and opportunity for musicians to learn the ropes before they buy in. This in itself sets the stage for success and I for one won’t forget or overlook that! With that being said; Thanks to IAC and all members in support.
Thank you,
Leo Bowers