9/23/2015 8:07:34 PM
Disregard the instructions at all costs.
I eat a lot of those pre-prepared microwave dinners, Stauffers, etc. I've noticed that some of them have complicated instructions, like you're supposed to stir them after 3 minutes and put back in for 3 minutes, and so on. I'm here to tell you as an absolute fact that it doesn't matter. I put the same dinner in for 6 minutes straight and it totally didn't matter if I stirred it in the middle or not. Don't believe those lies. It's a con. They just want you to work more in hopes that if you put more energy into your microwave cooking, you'll somehow find that the turkey dinner tastes better but it just doesn't. It tastes exactly the same. Don't fall for that ruse, it's a waste of time.