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IAC Admin
Views for this Topic: 1017

1/15/2018 6:01:53 PM
in case you didn't hear this part of the show, the honorable mentions from last night

3/10/2017 10:21:13 AM
Site stats are now working 3/10/17

2/17/2017 9:20:18 AM
Pipeline works

12/6/2016 12:09:18 PM
IAC artist Maren Morris Grammy-nominated; also performs on SNL this Sat. Dec. 10

11/29/2016 12:30:27 PM
Comments now enabled

9/15/2015 4:32:19 AM
Anybody here into Christian Rock? We need a genre manager for that.

7/2/2015 7:24:07 PM
update on site stats

6/30/2015 10:56:19 AM
a reminder about featured stations

8/16/2014 11:12:41 AM
Fixed: Issues with station tracks editing

5/13/2013 9:57:05 PM
New "Now Playing" page now operational

4/24/2013 8:44:23 AM
Christina Amphlett, Divinyls Singer, Dies at 53

3/27/2013 8:21:06 AM
Playing IAC music on iOS and Android devices, and on modern browsers

12/23/2012 10:28:31 AM
New song-finding tool

11/28/2012 12:51:39 PM
Song Station Adds Count last 90 days

2/13/2012 9:27:19 PM
Systems upgrade

9/5/2011 2:05:59 PM
Automatic Facebook Like buttons

8/27/2011 12:00:04 PM
Possible service interruption

7/27/2011 10:55:01 PM
Brief server outage

4/20/2011 11:40:17 PM

8/2/2010 4:49:29 PM
Facebook "Like" buttons on artist pages and more

7/6/2010 4:24:54 PM


6/7/2010 7:26:44 PM

New feature: subgenres capability, chart functions, and reclassification

1/14/2010 6:24:08 PM
New feature - the New Songs Charts

1/12/2007 5:16:32 AM
You can now export your deluxe slideshow, put it on domain and other sites!

1/12/2007 5:13:25 AM
You can now customize your slideshow with 14 individual transitions!


Basic (free) Member


IAC Admin

3/27/2013 8:21:06 AM ---- Updated 3/27/2013 8:41:15 AM

Playing IAC music on iOS and Android devices, and on modern browsers
Work is underway right now to replace the IAC Flash Player with an HTML5 player, supported by modern browsers such as Chrome and IE9, and including those provided with iOS and Android devices. On older systems not supporting HTML5, there will be a transparent fallback to Flash. To the user, the representation of the player, visually and functionally, will be the same.

The new player will have an updated, modern look. It will size itself appropriately for a given device.

The first implementation will come in about a week and will be associated with the link "stream all" on the Hitline on the IAC front page. Then we'll have two weeks or so of testing with users experiences discussed here on the Pipeline. If all goes well, the implementation will be extended to all instances of a player sitewide. Finally, the Export Player function will be updated to use the new player.

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Chandra Moon

3/27/2013 3:37:05 PM

Great news.

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Richard Scotti

3/27/2013 8:37:26 PM

"On older systems not supporting HTML5, there will be a transparent fallback to Flash. To the user, the representation of the player, visually and functionally, will be the same."

Does this mean everything will stay the same on older operating systems and not require any change in browsers or downloading new applications? (I'm only referring to computers, not phones)

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IAC Admin

3/28/2013 11:42:32 AM

Users will not have to change or upgrade browsers nor download applications. Everything will just work. The appearance will be the same on all systems.

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Richard Scotti

3/28/2013 1:28:07 PM

Sounds great! Kudos to IAC for keeping things current.

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