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IAC Admin
Views for this Topic: 1100

1/15/2018 6:01:53 PM
in case you didn't hear this part of the show, the honorable mentions from last night

3/10/2017 10:21:13 AM
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8/16/2014 11:12:41 AM
Fixed: Issues with station tracks editing

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IAC Admin

8/16/2014 11:12:41 AM

Fixed: Issues with station tracks editing
We believe the issues with station tracks and song comments editing and reordering are now fixed.

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IAC Admin

8/16/2014 1:43:22 PM ---- Updated 8/16/2014 1:53:18 PM

It does work - just tried it again.

Note - you will need to log out and log back in to receive the updated page.Closing the browser and reopening is good too.

Unless you see that the page title is Edit Tracklist V2.2, you are getting the old page..

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Bryon Tosoff

8/16/2014 2:13:15 PM ---- Updated 8/16/2014 2:25:22 PM

will do another go at it, not going to add anything, just update and do a track order, on one station, the others no time to fix them. attempting now, thanks, again,


well I do see the version change as what was pointed out, and did beforehand as well in the last try, but its the same thing, it may work on your end, and does show on the edit page of the station, but when i hit update, it goes to error, but I will refresh my browser, and try it on my other computer as well. see where it goes from here. one last try

update #2
another attempt on a different computer and same thing, error..so not sure what it is, maybe I am pressing the wrong buttons, or this is just a real bad dream. and I have not woken up yet, : )

nah, it just dont work, tried on 2 computers, edited, updated and same error message. anyways, thanks for giving it. I cant spend time doing this, other more important matters at hand be back down the road


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IAC Admin

8/16/2014 2:32:19 PM

So for you, it is making the edits, but displaying an error when it comes time to redisplay the updated list. This means that if you get that message and then navigate to the edit tracklist page again, it will show the updated information. Still that is not acceptable behavior and given the information you have provided, we will try to address that issue. We never get that error using all three browsers latest and previous versions, be we know now where in the code you are getting the error and we believe we can fix it without actually experiencing the problem.

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IAC Admin

8/16/2014 2:33:45 PM

Any others experiencing or not experiencing the issue using the new page?

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Bryon Tosoff

8/16/2014 2:41:39 PM ---- Updated 8/16/2014 2:43:44 PM

thanks, I thought I give it one more shot, it might be something I am doing, not sure. if it dont work, it could be a real simple thing, maybe I will just update the order for now and for the editing of reviews.

going to give it a whirl

thanks for your efforts. we do appreciate it, it is no easy thing.

Attempted update in order of songs and changed or tried to change at Music is truth, still went to error,

so leave it at that for now

cheers and thanks


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IAC Admin

8/16/2014 4:38:10 PM ---- Updated 8/16/2014 4:52:55 PM

Bryon, thanks for keeping trying. We finally did succeed in producing your error where upon hitting the Update button you get the the generic error page - and now that is fixed. By the way, it wasn't caused by what we thought it was. In modifying the code, somehow a line addressing inserting the escape character before the single quote character in Comments got removed. Hence any station that had the single quote character in any Comment would generate the error message you were getting.

The misalignment of songs vs their comments was the first issue that was fixed, but couldn't be seen because of the secondary error.

You and all of the others who have responded have really helped us track down the problems and we thank you.

Edit Tracklist v2.3

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Bryon Tosoff

8/16/2014 5:05:21 PM ---- Updated 8/16/2014 7:50:36 PM

thanks, I will delete my post on the subject and check out the new version again when I can to update my station(s). cheers

tested the new version 2 on a couple stations, seems to have gotten the bugs out, nice work, thanks


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Chandra Moon

8/18/2014 1:40:53 PM

that's great - reassuring to feel someone's on the case!

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