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Beneath your Ego
Views for this Topic: 467

3/14/2008 7:22:03 AM
Creative juices flowing....


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Beneath your Ego

3/14/2008 7:22:03 AM ---- Updated 3/14/2008 7:23:39 AM

Creative juices flowing....
It's fairly early in the morning, and I don't have much to say other than I'm ready to rock! Lots of new song ideas in the works and a good solid feeling of anticipation about getting together and working them out. It's like a musical spring time in the air, and I'm ready to get outside, fire up the BBQ, and crack open some white trash brew!

Mitchell - BYE

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3/14/2008 7:40:43 AM

A good rich sound, music and vocals - very entertaining - good words too. Keep those juices flowing all over IAC :)

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