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Roach up your nose
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8/24/2008 9:49:37 AM
3 Cups of Tea

8/23/2008 2:18:00 PM


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Roach up your nose

8/24/2008 9:49:37 AM

3 Cups of Tea
A fellow IAC'r once asked why a person would stay in a place such as Afghanistan with the risk of terrorism. I am always appreciative of people who inspire the opportunity for dialogue on world topics without taking sides as it were but bringing an idea to the forefront. It prompted me to remember why people make choices to stay within difficult territories, as I know to be true, those working for peace stay in places such as Afghanistan even at risk for terrorism.

I had the opportunity to briefly work with the author of 3 Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson, and his organization, Pennies for Peace. To hear Mr. Mortenson speak and know of the sincerity and depth of his character was inspiring to say the least. I have been very fortunate to know several wonderful people who are working in this fashion towards peace and healing by the source of their love.

In fairness and in a global sense - historically there's not been many great role models in society. That is changing though as people find the conviction for peace in their voice and move with a heart centered focus. Certainly, that might not be where a person is at in every moment, being the humans we are - but for many, terrorism exists by the way life is seen.

If anyone is interested to read a contemporary, philanthropic perspective of how one man makes a difference, read 3 Cups of Tea. He titled it that because in Pakistan it takes at least 3 Cups of Tea - (equating to a considerable period of time) to get to know each other. His focus is on building schools and educating children who would otherwise have no option than a militaristic future.

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8/24/2008 11:10:05 AM

Hi Roach... I actually purchased this book with the Birthday gift my parents gave to me recently. I'm looking forward to the time I can dedicate to reading it!

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Eye Of Storm

8/24/2008 11:13:34 AM

Sounds very good. I'm presently trying to finish through a pile of books that have been given to me as gifts etc.

Perhaps it will be a future reading for me. Thanks, Eye

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Roach up your nose

8/25/2008 10:15:22 AM

I actually just purchased the book and am going to start reading it. What I enjoy most about music and reading is taking the time for self reflection. Likewise all of our relationships are opportunities to mirror to ourselves. I hope you will have the opportunity to read it Eye, what a great co-incidence Butterfly! Just remember we are all #1's however you want to interpret that.

I stumbled across this Utube vid a few days ago.. check it out - it's really interesting... The person talking is Scott Kiloby who is also an author who is simialr to the work of Eckhart Tolle .. enjoy.

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8/25/2008 10:20:27 AM

3 cups of tea? this philosophy sounds good! points out at what we have in common rather than at whatever is dividing us...
btw, one of the best meals I ever enjoyed during a short stay in Madison WI, USA, was at an Afghan restaurant :-)

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Roach up your nose

8/25/2008 10:40:53 AM

Yes, indeed. You won't easily find it in a used book store.. they are seelling like hot cakes even at the biggest booksellers and have been for time now. What Greg Mortenson offers by way of His story is a model platform for world peace, that is why politicians have wanted to be associated with him. As quoted from the back of the book...

"Here (in Pakistan and Afghanistan). we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join the family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything - even die." - Village Chief, Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan

Take this into context within the relationship of self to others, then to the world and you can see how one person may seem very small yet also strong enough to move mountains. The microcosims and macrocosims that exist all around us are worth exploring. As quoted on the front of the book. "...proof that one ordinary person, with the right combination of character and determination, really can change the world. I believe we each hold that ability within us.

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8/25/2008 6:28:28 PM

An interesting video Roach, thank you for sharing it.

How true it does seem that each of us has the ability within to change the world... imagine if every human just changed something for the better within their own tiny little corner of the world... the effect that would have across the globe.

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Roach up your nose

8/25/2008 7:41:26 PM ---- Updated 8/25/2008 7:42:18 PM

The video is really interesting with a unique perspective. As to the book, although quoted in similar words - I was not looking in terms one could change the world because I don't believe in changing people, or should anyone have the right to. Yet I've always believed what you give of yourself and your love has an effect. Perhaps even in your case a butterfly effect? :-)

I know at times when I've been ready to give up, a key person stood to remind me what matters, and in the way they gave of their love and support had a tremendous effect in my life and to what I felt I could then give of myself. As to Three Cups of Tea, I'm at Chapter 3, it looks to be a great book of which I had no doubt.

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8/26/2008 4:01:07 PM

Re: "butterfly effect"... what a kind thing to say... thank you!! :-)... I as well believe that you cannot change another... we only have a right to share our perspective... and if it has a positive impact on someone else... then what a wonderful gift.

I'm happy to know that you have had someone who loves and cares for you in such a way... that you allowed that love to have such an effect on you that you have felt you could give of yourself... what a beautiful gift. It's good to know that you are enjoying the book.

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Roach up your nose

8/27/2008 5:51:11 AM

With all due respect, the above comment or to those which may follow may be deleted due to political affiliations. We can not be made responsible for the commentary of our sponsors as the views expressed may or may not mirror our own. To understand in greater context review the above video if you feel so inspired, it offers one perspective to how we relate, or don't relate to each other in online communities, which is also an opportunity to see how we relate to each other in the world. As artists I believe its time to rise the bar in our expression of what we see going on in the world today. I continue to take time in reflection and in the moments in which I may see a glimpse beyond my own, I will get creative!

To the one who inspires me and gives me strength to carry my vision with love and hope for world peace, I give my greatest appreciation and returned support without question or end.


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Roach up your nose

8/27/2008 6:36:17 AM

For further context:

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Roach up your nose

8/27/2008 6:39:41 AM

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Roach up your nose

8/27/2008 6:43:07 AM

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Roach up your nose

8/28/2008 6:05:42 AM ---- Updated 8/28/2008 6:08:39 AM

It is a bizarre world when people make jokes out of something so important as peace and love! What's up with that anyway?

There I go using myself by example again, I wish I could learn to keep to my own life and stop projecting what I see going on in the world today. Maybe I should have crawled under a rock a long time ago and quite living.

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