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The Big World Gathering

3/23/2008 2:19:18 PM
What is The Big World Gathering?


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The Big World Gathering

3/23/2008 2:19:18 PM ---- Updated 3/23/2008 2:21:53 PM

What is The Big World Gathering?


The Big World Gathering

What is The Big World Gathering?

The Big World Gathering is happening now wherever we are by all of us sharing with others what we really feel and think about life today, and by distributing information we believe is important. ~ At a later stage, perhaps soon to happen, all our individual actions may help lead to something quite surprising: a major world change. ~ If there are calls for specific gatherings in specific locations, then we will do that. ~ If this develops to the point where a worldwide link-up on a specific date is called for, then together we will do that too.

Where does the idea for The Big World Gathering come from?

The Big World Gathering has its roots in 'The Start of the World Gathering for Truth'. The World Gathering For Truth global link-up was held at noon on August 17, 2000. The date of 17th August, was chosen to coincide with a date referenced in the Rainbow Dream Vision of Hope.

Background information:

Dedication for World Gathering For Truth 2000

Link-up reports from participants around the world

The Rainbow Dream Vision of Hope 1993-2013


Awake, awake, the world is young,
For all its weary years of thought.
The starkest fights must still be fought,
The most surprising songs be sung.
~ James E Flecker

Surprising Songs for The Big World Gathering

The Big World Gathering Theme Tune 1 ~ (5+ mins):

The Big World Gathering Theme Tune 1 ~ (1+ mins):

Big World Gathering Love Song ~ Time ~ (2+ mins):

World-Action Big Gathering Theme Tune ~ (1+ mins):

Special Images for The Big World Gathering:

Subscribe to the BWG News List at Google:


'THE GATHERING' by Sitting Bull

It is very important that as many people as possible, in different places, should take part in the Gathering. Decide where and when and how to gather. Your participation is needed.

This is the beginning of the break we are all waiting for; for you all on Earth and ourselves out here. This is the beginning of the turn around. We have waited so long for the change. It is time. This is the beginning of the end of the old ways; the turning of the tide.

State what you believe is true. Courage is the ability to go beyond the familiar. Exchange the information and hopes you have. Always in the world, a change starts with a few people. These few speak the feelings and thoughts of a multitude. They speak the heart of humanity's soul.

The people and ETs who will come together shall ring in a return, a turn around. There will come a flow on Earth which will burst the dark energies surrounding you and your planet. That which you believe is true must be stated. The truth is the key.

May strength and vision be yours as you establish the new. Follow your hearts. Let your inner light be your guide. Realise the beauty and greatness you have within yourself and step ahead. This is the time so many have waited so long for. Never doubt it has started.

The young of all nations are looking for a new direction. It is time to light a beacon to show the way for all humanity. Let your feelings, thoughts and beliefs be your guiding light. The power of the moment. The wishes of the people. The good times ahead.

It is time for the gathering

Tatanka Yotanka - The Sitting Bull

(This message is via a clairvoyant in Holland, in recent years)


Special Words for The Big World Gathering:

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3/23/2008 4:12:30 PM

Hi There and welcome to this great Indie site!!

We had a huge outdoor concert every year in Takaka New Zealand called "the Gathering" ----until it got too large !

Just back from a west coast road trip----but we'll have a Big check up later!


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The Big World Gathering

3/24/2008 6:52:58 PM

Hello Rob
Thanks for good greetings
Love the music at your site
The Big World Gathering

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