Sam Burchfield
5/11/2008 2:43:56 PM
This Thing.
So, I recently started this indie label of my own called "Eat Music Records" and i'm really hoping something big comes out of it. I thought about how being able to have other artists around you that really actually care about helping eachother can make the life of any musician much easier.
Wishing these kinds of things had been there for me when I was just starting out, (although I was extremely lucky to have supportive parents and an excellent guitar teacher Matt O'Dell) I started this thing.
In the past couple of months i've helped some local artists at least get their music out there for free. The way i see it, since i enjoy working with music and i let them come record according to my schedule, it shouldn't matter if no money is involved. Wouldn't it be a wonder if other artists who had recording equipment not as crappy as mine were willing to reach out to even just a few less fortunate artists? Anywho, I hope people check out some of these guys because they have a passion about what they do. The label site is
While in semi promo mode, i'd appreciate anyone who'd like to come give me some constructive criticism on my new song "Autumn". Thanks, God Bless!