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Alice Stuart

7/31/2008 1:07:23 PM
Whose Song Is It Anyway

6/25/2008 3:16:11 PM
Alice and the IBC

6/23/2008 4:14:06 PM
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Alice Stuart

7/31/2008 1:07:23 PM

Whose Song Is It Anyway
Recently I took Alice Stuart and her band off a social networking site because her tunes were being bumped from various categories.

So this topic is a pet peeve: Whose music is it, anyway.

There is a stratosphere of musicians in which the genre game falls away. Nobody asks Bob Dylan if he is a folk musician, or a blues musician, or a rocker. But for most of us trying to "break in", we have to qualify what we are and what a song is. Back a while ago, there were five classification: classical, pop, country, religious, and rock n roll.

Today you can find Barbara Streisand listed in Rock books and not a mention of Alice Stuart or any of the true pioneers of women rockers.

So who gets to decide?

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7/31/2008 2:06:12 PM ---- Updated 7/31/2008 2:56:30 PM

Hi Alice - I dislike the whole genre 'Thing'
To me it either sounds good or not!

My soulmate/son/co-guitarist/conspiritor Shaun has a completely different outlook regarding genres and is perfectly happy with them!

I personally dislike the idea of "Genre"

PS - Like the Strat on your pix!

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7/31/2008 3:34:19 PM

I understand the 'need' for people to classify, categorise, organise, etc.; but that doesn't mean I have to play. Personally, I stick to the "Quasi-Retro, Psychedelic Blues/Rock with Progressive overtones (and the occasional foray into ambient)" genre.

But not all sites offer that one.

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7/31/2008 3:59:11 PM

we play so many genres it gets confusing-----

but I see it as an advantage NOT to be pigeon holed---

contrary to popular belief!!!!!

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Conversation Suicide

8/1/2008 1:15:09 AM

I have to agree with silverwood studio's comment -- It's an advantage to have tunes in a diverse number of GENREs, so as not to be pigeon-holed --- and THEN you get to PLAY & create what YOU LIKE, & FEEL. Regardless of whether that fits your music into a neat little square box.

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