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The Meka Don

7/11/2008 8:14:17 PM
An Intro 2 My Kinda Hip Hop


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The Meka Don

7/11/2008 8:14:17 PM

An Intro 2 My Kinda Hip Hop
This is Meka. Or The Meka Don. I am an MC/ Producer residing in Savannah, Ga. I've always loved music but didnt really take it serious til about a couple years ago. My biggest struggle was finding beats to match my style. I felt like I've always been a great rapper but with average production I think your just an average rapper. At the end of the day great songs still matter. So I rap with conviction and purpose and passion over my own beats. Even on my so-called radio friendly songs you still feel the passion.
Remember Hip Hop aint dead she just doin more dancing now and thats cool b/cos who dont like dancing...As far as my style-im not in to all that gun bustin but at the same its still hard. My subject matter is worldly and specific to urban stuggle. Also I'm all about my lyrics. I AM A LYRICIST. ala Nas, Pac and Biggie and Jay-Z and Common and Ludacris. Its a long list of lyricists and I'm the one you just have heard until now. You know Hip Hop has a great catalogue and hopefully with the help of da IAC I can reach new height b/cos Hip Hop is all about the entepreneurial spirit.

So yall take this song "Only Death Can Stop Me" and dissect it as much as possible. Feedback as possible. Feel free to it add to your station if u like and if u can check out more songs on MySpace.

Peace and hair grease,
The Meka Don

IAC youre a godsend!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanx in advance 2 all.

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