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Sleeping Naked

7/14/2008 10:18:55 AM
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Sleeping Naked

7/14/2008 10:18:55 AM

Hey there!
We're a band called SLEEPING NAKED and we play poppy blues-rock funky music. We just finished up our debut album and our site has a few songs. So tell your grandparents about Sleeping Naked and help us start a sleeping naked revolution with the elderly.

Also, we have a myspace (www.myspace.com/sleepingnakedband), so check us out there! Right now, we have a sticker contest going on with our myspace page. Feel free to join in and check our blogs for more details.

We hope you enjoy our stuff and don't forget to sleep naked this summer. It's good for your health, you know.
- Craig and Holden

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