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6/14/2009 2:44:10 PM
Remembering 911 The Heros

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6/14/2009 2:44:10 PM

Remembering 911 The Heros
320 205 size damirworld remembers 911

I wanted to show my grief, love and support to all those who lost their
lives and to those they left behind. My heart goes out to all those who lost
a family member and to those who lost their loved ones. In hope that God
will protect us and remember all the women and children who lost their
lives; all those who sacrificed their lives; and to all the Heroes. God Bless.

There are many peaceful, non-military societies that do exist. The world has known peace for only 292 years since 3600 B.C.! We have had 14,351 wars and 3.64 billion people killed. Its time to Bring Everyone Home.

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