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Archie Andrews

4/27/2017 10:39:29 AM
Riverdale is back from hiatus tonight

4/10/2017 12:33:53 PM
I really blew it with Valerie

2/26/2017 5:14:52 PM
Hi, I wanted to introduce myself.


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Archie Andrews

4/27/2017 10:39:29 AM

Riverdale is back from hiatus tonight
for anyone who cares. And next week everyone gets to learn who Jason's killer is.

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4/28/2017 10:41:59 AM


here's a suggestion,

get The Archies back together.

Don't know who Jason is,
though if he's anything like the Jason
I knew in high school,
really, it could be anybody, or everybody.

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4/28/2017 10:46:39 AM


I am so secure in my baddass coolness,

I can and will recite the lyrics
to the old Archie's show,
featuring The Archies.

Ready? Here goes,
sing along it ya know it.

Everything's Archie....

(da da da-da da...)

Archie's here...
Betty's here..
Veronica too...
Reggie's here...

Hey Jughead where are you?

We wanna dance
We wanna sing
Have some fun
And go adventuring,
All our friends are here,
but it ain't complete,

we ain't the Archies,
without the Jughead Beat,


Archie's here...
Betty's here... Veronica too...
Reggie's here,
And here comes Jughead
and Hot Dog too,

so Everything's Archie...

Come on let's go
with the Archie show.

That's it.

does Jughead still have a dog named Hot Dog
who can dance and everything?

That's pretty cool if so, probably one old dog,
dog years add up.

Well, I still say, get The Archies together...

nothin' like a band. mmm MM.

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