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Mr. Mundane

2/14/2018 12:24:22 PM
My girlfriend says I'm boring

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Mr. Mundane

2/14/2018 12:24:22 PM

My girlfriend says I'm boring
and this was after I got her flowers AND chocolates for Valentine's Day. I don't get it, we go out to every Tom Hanks movie. We go for walks in the park. She got mad at me last week because we got a new cat and I named her Kitty. What's the big deal? I think i'm pretty dynamic, don't you?

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2/15/2018 7:05:16 PM

Man, time for you to move on dude. Sounds like she is just not that into you. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and leave. Doesn't mean that you are boring., Just means that she does no appreciate your efforts for her.

If I were you I would find the nearest exit and leave man. No need trying to make some one love you. It just doesn't work. Trust me, been there and done all that. They either love you and appreciate you or they don't. If they don't you are just wasting time because it probably will not change.

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