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the Pink Snowflakes

10/21/2006 8:29:29 PM
the Pink Snowflakes INFLATABLE COCOON EP 2005 Available at CDBABY.com!


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the Pink Snowflakes

10/21/2006 8:29:29 PM

the Pink Snowflakes INFLATABLE COCOON EP 2005 Available at CDBABY.com!
Andrew here, haven't checked this site in a while but I wanted you all to know that our EP that we released alittle while back is finally up and selling on cd baby! also the band has been playing out locally in Portland with a few tours scheduled on the horizon.
This EP contains songs from the demo that we revised into rock oriented songs with a smattering of noises and such that plays with the idea of something psychedelic but truely accessible and worthwhile to listen to!
We plan on self-releasing a full length album sometime around January or february so look out!

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