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Todd Smith

7/29/2006 1:16:34 PM
Greetings to IAC


IAC Prime Member


Todd Smith

7/29/2006 1:16:34 PM

Greetings to IAC
Hello everybody on IAC, my name is Todd Smith and I'm just puttin' myself out there and all over to try to generate some buzz. I'm on Myspace, PureVolume, Garageband, and Broadjam! I write and perform all my own stuff -- play guitar, bass, drums, keys. The song I have up here right now - "Keep On Driving" does feature some guests, though. Cecily and Michal Palzewicz contributing vox and cello respectively. Let me know what you think. I'll be putting up another song soon -- still working on the vox -- it's more of a Brit-rocky, Zep/Deep Purplish kinda thing. If these do well, I'll go "prime" and upload a bunch more, and hopefully make some $$$$.


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7/29/2006 5:50:23 PM

Welcome Todd

Your song sounds great.

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