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engine w fader

9/10/2007 5:31:02 AM
ewf pilot musical in Birmingham 13th sept

5/8/2007 2:53:58 PM
gig with no audience


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engine w fader

9/10/2007 5:31:02 AM

ewf pilot musical in Birmingham 13th sept
engine w fader are piloting the musical 'little miss mousy' at the custard factory in Birmingham, thursday 13th september ... also performing pilot shows on the night are Ambitus, Rough Memory, The Licencees and Fearless Theatre Co.
the night has been organised by B-Theatre ... £5 in.

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9/10/2007 8:35:56 AM

I'm assuming you mean Birmingham, England and not Alabama haha! Did you write the whole musical or just the music? never heard of it before. Like the sound of the 'Custard Factory' presumably if they don't like the show they can throw pies at you ? Love the idea that you did a 'Wife Swap' to puplicise your music - a bit exteme but sounds like fun! - Verity (IAC)

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