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8/22/2008 5:21:18 AM
SIN ON WHEELS DEBUT ALBUM !! CHECK IT OUT www.myspace.com/zerosinonwheels


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8/22/2008 5:21:18 AM

SIN ON WHEELS DEBUT ALBUM !! CHECK IT OUT www.myspace.com/zerosinonwheels
I just wanted to let you know that i just released my first record called "The biggest Lie".The record contains 10 tracks and at the moment you can listen to 4 songs on my profile.

It was produced by me.

Art direction: Sonny Lanegan (http://www. myspace. com/sonnyel34)

Mixed and recorded at Nuke Studio (http://www. myspace. com/nukelay)

Cover Picture by Ste Stranges (http://www. myspace. com/stefanostranges)

Nessie Zorba: all performance except for drums and backing vocals by Sonny Lanegan.

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