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5/14/2007 8:04:11 AM
i am whi i am

5/14/2007 7:59:20 AM
round and round

5/14/2007 7:54:25 AM

5/14/2007 7:48:58 AM

5/2/2007 8:07:50 AM
tic toc


Basic (free) Member



5/14/2007 8:04:11 AM

i am whi i am

you look at me thrue your tiney eyes
living in a world of tiney lies
you dont know me you dont own me
you didnt even grow me
i aint your breed your seed your creed
you look at me with your tney eyes
living in your world of tiney lies
you just see the meat iv grown in
that aint nothin but the skin holding my bones in
you cant shut me away
i wont disapear sit in the rear
you cant put me down turn me around make me dance to your sound
you judge me with your tiney eyes
and your tiney lives
living in a world of aprehension misdirection
a world of unease lacking affection
your world is just to small for me
it just dont fit me
i am a man thats a fact
dont mean i was born in sin
just the sex i grew in
i aint gonna accept that lable
wont sit at that table
you cant make me fit that lable
you cant turn me into your fable
i am who i am and i am me

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Midnight Skylark

6/14/2007 9:23:17 PM

A statement equally powerful as lyrical poetry and soulful philosophy. Thanks for sharing it.

Midnight Skylark Aberjhani

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