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Filippo Francocci

10/23/2007 4:20:32 PM
Lonely Fil


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Filippo Francocci

10/23/2007 4:20:32 PM

Lonely Fil
Hello, I'm Filippo, my band doesn't seem to believe in my music cause they don't seem to want to play anymore, they always seem to be too busy with work. Sometimes I see my bassist and he says we're gonna play and then we don't, but its probably better this way, I'll probably get more done on my own, although it's a bit hard to gig on your own... and I don't have a lot of free time myself, but the time I have I use for music and art. So here I sit, its me and my computer but now i gotta go to bed cause I've got an early day at work. Greetings

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Two Silo Complex

10/23/2007 5:08:32 PM

Hey I am right there with you. I tried 6 bands in 5 months they all fell apart in a few weeks. I am back to my solo project and I don't mind. Now I don't have to answer to anyone but the fans. In the end the people who want to listen are what matters. There is a lot of support here at IAC. It does not matter if you are making music alone or with a group. As long as you create solid tunes the support will be there.


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10/23/2007 5:14:40 PM

Doesn't sound like you need a band really - though I know it can be a lot more fun working with a good bunch of people!

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Filippo Francocci

10/27/2007 5:04:57 PM

Thankyou! You're right, sometimes a band only slows you down and doesn't allow you to go in the direction that you would really like to go. I don't feel so lonesome anymore! Internet is a great thing!

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