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1/24/2008 2:27:19 PM
Who would you most like to gig with?

1/21/2008 1:55:05 AM
Songs you wish you'd written!


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1/24/2008 2:27:19 PM

Who would you most like to gig with?
This is a question I often ask bands I interview for a local music community website.

I get some very varied and interesting answers, and I'd be interested to in who you would choose and why. One only, band or artist.

I'd choose someone I've been listening to most of my life - Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band. Partly because I a huge fan, and partly because of the obvious energy they have onstage. You get the feeling that you could get tired just standing near them. The other reason is the depth of talent and the varied playing styles within the band. That would be my no.1 wish come true.

Who would you choose to gig with, and why?

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1/24/2008 4:08:49 PM

I think collectively our band would love to do a tour with "Caroline's Spine" of Tulsa. If you havent heard of them, I suggest you buy the Monsoon CD. The guys in the band are very cool to be around and all of our band members really look up to there song writting and live shows as a measuring line. We all love the big shows like STP and the like, but Spine is something special. They are great to see live.


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Hop On Pop

1/24/2008 5:20:55 PM

This is a question like, "What is your favorite song?" that can change by the day.

Right now there are 2 that come immediately to mind:
- Meat Puppets: because they are just so fun, and seem like a great buncha guys. Plus, they were a huge influence on me.

- Willie Nelson: do I really need to explain this one?

Plus, both of those choices seem like they'd be cool hanging out with me. And might even actually watch my set!

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