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the perfect cherry

2/22/2019 2:57:21 PM
Why do they always put me with vanilla ice cream?

1/16/2019 10:31:38 PM
I finally got internet back.

7/25/2016 9:47:56 AM
What about me?

10/28/2015 1:07:08 AM
Anybody seen Banana or Grape?

12/18/2008 12:01:45 PM
We're long overdue for a Perfect Banana Appreciation Blog


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the perfect cherry

2/22/2019 2:57:21 PM

Why do they always put me with vanilla ice cream?

I need a change or something.

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Plum Jam

2/23/2019 2:17:41 AM ---- Updated 2/23/2019 3:36:05 AM

Hey, stop moaning, life is a bowl of cherries (but I'm just a glum plum... always in a jam)

Are you a sweet cherry or a tart cherry

Tart cherries calm people down and help them sleep
Sweet cherries are really healthy, contain lots of antioxidants

Some facts and ideas to boost your self esteem...

1, Cherries are the most prized of stone fruit in Australia.

2, Make coffee ice cubes and use with fresh cherries and make a delightful smoothie.

3, Cherries are gorgeous next to greens, and in salads

4, Cherries go well with pork to balance the fat, eat with goat's milk cheese instead of ice cream... you can get pickled and pitted or made into a cake and iced.


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the perfect cherry

2/23/2019 7:26:25 AM ---- Updated 2/23/2019 7:26:25 AM

I'm a sweet bing cherry, the kind used to make cherry puddin'.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/23/2019 7:31:44 PM

I throw all youse peoples into a hot flaming frying pan with butter light ya up with that hot burning alcohol swirl you little buggers all around having the fiery flames roar with delight get you all hot and bothered as well juicy drunk then dish youse all out onto big bowls and serve your little asses up to my drooling relatives and then top you off with ice cream, vanilla style.

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