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The Jay Dyall Project
Views for this Topic: 948

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5/6/2018 2:37:46 PM
It's been a while, Life & Death took over....

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The Jay Dyall Project

5/6/2018 2:37:46 PM

It's been a while, Life & Death took over....
Hello All!
It's been a while since I visited IMP.
In the past 6 months Life took over, rather, Death did. Within that timeframe,
I've lost 2 good friends, I lost my ex-Wife, and just last week I lost my Mum.
And there's on looming where I might have to travel to NYC for the funeral
within next few days or so. The lost of my ex-wife and Mum had a harder impact of course.

I've reached the age where I mentally and emotionally prepared myself for the inevitable,
the older we get, the more we will see friends and loved one pass as they age.
Sudden deaths, like heart attacks or accidents are somewhat harder to deal with emotionally though. Some harder than others. I guess that depends on who the person was and what they meant to you I suppose.
But, overall, it's the passage of Humanity & Life.....

But in that timeframe I've also been working on music. I can never stop doing so.
I have musically completed about 30+ songs, but haven't recorded vocals as of yet. Been trying to get guest vocalists for my recordings, as I know many IMP critics don't like my singing, lol. (Even though there are far worst presenting songs here on IMP, so it's a matter of taste by the listener I guess).
So I shall return with a slew of new releases both by
The Jay Dyall Project and The DyallTones pretty soon. Be on the lookout!!

And I want to point out I've noticed several brand new names here on IMP and I will be checking out their songs! Hopefully will find a couple willing to collaborate with me someday!!

Keep on Rockin' everyone!!

~Jayson Dyall

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Desperado Revue

5/6/2018 3:22:17 PM

My sincere condolences Jayson.

Looking forward to your new tracks.

Norm - Stations Manager

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The Jay Dyall Project

5/6/2018 6:24:48 PM

Thank You!

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5/7/2018 8:53:10 AM

I was interested to read this Jay because I had a similar experience in 2014, losing both parents suddenly. Quite recently I looked back through my music files during that time and I was surprised to find I had been quite prolific throughout despite having a lot of things to deal with. In fact I managed to find a new deep side to what I was producing. The escape of music is magic. Glad you're feeling positive

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Shoe City Sound

5/7/2018 4:27:54 PM

So sorry for the rough terrain ... Not surprised you wrote so many songs though. That has happened to us. We sort of weren't even really aware of working on anything - just trying to get through a tough time and at the end there was an entire CD's worth. 30+ though, wow. Good thing the music is always there. It saves our lives for sure. Hope things get better and looking forward to hearing the new tunes.

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