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Jewish "Family Feud"... "game" has been goin' on for over 1,000 years!(1 Hell Love A Race2) by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 3/17/2025 7:31:49 PM
Tom Homan, the border czar, is an imbecile. by Father Time
Father Time 3/17/2025 3:03:24 PM
Trump and Vance slurping up to Putin yesterday was as bad as 1-6 or 9-11 by Father Time
Holo Lukaloa 3/2/2025 10:14:24 PM
Mortamor 2/21/2025 3:22:32 AM
Trump is trying to surrender Ukraine to Putin by Holo Lukaloa
Holo Lukaloa 2/19/2025 10:14:55 AM
Donald Trump's SHOCKING 1980 Interview Reveals His Plan for America! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 2/18/2025 10:34:15 AM
666 & The ANTICHRIST by Mortamor
Mortamor 2/16/2025 9:31:06 PM
Exposed Illuminate Elite Recording 1967 by Psyche's Muse
Mortamor 2/16/2025 9:30:21 PM
"Catholic" Christian Control of Communist, Nazi SS, CIA, etc? by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 2/15/2025 6:40:23 AM
"Politician" LYING "as/is"... NORMAL For "Hymn". by Psyche's Muse
Russ Roman 2/15/2025 6:21:20 AM
Is "Their" Global Warming??? In dollars and "sense"! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 2/10/2025 12:43:45 PM
Trump the warmonger by Father Time
Chris Hance 2/10/2025 5:16:51 AM
RED ALERT! SmartLA 2028, C40 Cities, CA Fires & the UN 2030 Blueprint by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 2/2/2025 2:35:45 PM
DEI by Father Time
Psyche's Muse 2/2/2025 1:36:00 AM
Blatant LIES About Edward Snowden Debunked by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 1/30/2025 1:10:04 AM
I'll quit drinkin' if you put me in charge of the nukes! by Father Time
Psyche's Muse 1/24/2025 7:56:41 PM
Are all Americans are being replaced by foreign workers/ by Gregg-Sterling30
Russ Roman 1/23/2025 4:35:19 AM
the core of the reason for America's downfall by Father Time
Psyche's Muse 1/19/2025 7:47:17 AM
She so deserves this song. by negative tendencies
negative tendencies 1/9/2025 10:38:03 AM
What kind of clowns try to pick an Attorney General who they know raped a high school girl? by Father Time
Gregg-Sterling30 12/26/2024 7:33:05 PM
What Just Happened To Syria? TRUMP!!! ("Trumponomics" ! ) by Psyche's Muse
Holo Lukaloa 12/16/2024 12:48:31 PM
What is the relevance between these following videos??? by Gregg-Sterling30
Holo Lukaloa 12/12/2024 3:23:53 PM
Political USAge by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 12/6/2024 11:32:24 PM
Ah yes, the future lunatic-in-chief is coming for your guns.... Concentration Camps will be next. by Gregg-Sterling30
Russ Roman 12/5/2024 4:21:54 PM
Trump is not a serious human. by Russ Roman
Stoneman 12/4/2024 11:00:36 PM
Just some good ol' boys! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 11/27/2024 4:55:54 AM
President Kamala Harris reality check.. by Gregg Sterling30
Holo Lukaloa 11/9/2024 7:02:59 AM
RIP America by Father Time
Holo Lukaloa 11/9/2024 7:00:18 AM
Rosanne Barr hits it out of the park... by Gregg Sterling30
Psyche's Muse 11/9/2024 12:50:24 AM
RFKjr should be our next President... by Gregg-Sterling30
Psyche's Muse 11/9/2024 12:45:30 AM
DOD Directive 5240.01 explained by Judge Joe Brown.. by Gregg-Sterling30
Father Time 11/4/2024 11:44:48 AM
Dr. Peter McCullough warns: ‘Mass vaccination is going to be a tool of the political left’ by Gregg-Sterling30
Gregg-Sterling30 11/3/2024 6:40:10 AM
CPS are beginning to steal children from their parents in N. Carolina because they're "homeless"??? by Gregg Sterling30
Gregg Sterling30 11/3/2024 1:47:44 AM
Is Obama running for another term??? by Gregg Sterling30
Holo Lukaloa 11/2/2024 11:01:12 AM
2000 Mules - full movie by Gregg Sterling30
Holo Lukaloa 10/29/2024 11:41:54 AM
Elon Musk - Propaganda Man by negative tendencies
negative tendencies 10/29/2024 8:38:12 AM
Get Rid Of "THOSE Money CHANGERS!" by Psyche's Muse
Gregg Sterling30 10/24/2024 6:47:48 PM
"Mass Murderers" Get Away With "Mass Murder" Again And Again AND... A "GAIN". by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 10/20/2024 8:11:58 PM
"TRUTH"... by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 10/20/2024 10:01:24 AM
David Icke by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 10/20/2024 1:04:51 AM
We need a law to stop educating the less fortunate among us.. by Gregg Sterling30
Psyche's Muse 10/19/2024 9:41:49 PM
The latest update on "Operation Warpspeed".. by Gregg Sterling30
Gregg Sterling30 10/13/2024 5:38:56 PM
Kamala was rockin out toTupac when he was 11 years old.. by Janes Monroe VIII
Gregg Sterling30 10/5/2024 6:18:07 PM
Two Sides To Every Story... All "Ways". by Psyche's Muse
Holo Lukalao 10/1/2024 2:18:25 AM
The Chosen People Can Choose To Do Whatever They Choose Unto Whomever They Choose. PERIOD! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 9/26/2024 11:30:04 PM
In order to save Democracy Judge Joe Brown must be arrested.. by Alfredp-Bob
Inspector Kleuso 9/14/2024 6:09:49 AM
Believing in the promise of Kamala.. by Bruce Sticky
John Poitsidevolco 9/11/2024 5:45:52 AM
Traitor Joe Replacement Thread by Pete Fontana
Psyche's Muse 9/8/2024 3:39:52 AM
Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 8/11/2024 11:02:46 PM
Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist! by Psyche's Muse
Psyche's Muse 8/5/2024 1:17:22 PM

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