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Richard Scotti
4/25/2011 8:58:52 PM
Over the moon for Chandra
Congrats to Chandra Moon for being Featured Artist Of The Week!

Slimdog Productions
4/25/2011 10:01:13 PM
Here Here!!! Congrats Chandra!!!

Shoe City Sound
4/25/2011 10:01:27 PM
I second that!! Congrats Chandra

Conversation Suicide
4/26/2011 1:54:16 AM
Chandra, so glad for you ! You bring a VERY positive vibe into this here IAC.
Congratulations, and may it be a portent of EVEN Better things to come for you!
-much love, pHLeGm

Chandra Moon
4/26/2011 3:30:04 AM
wow I hadn't noticed yet!!! Thanks guys - that's amazing! I'll go take a look now - a million thanks!!

Duane Flock
4/26/2011 5:20:21 AM
Very Cool! Congrats Chandra!

4/26/2011 6:37:01 AM
rock on good for you channdra..keep up the good work

4/26/2011 2:21:24 PM
breath of fresh air----bravo!

4/26/2011 2:54:24 PM
Big Congrats Chandra! You deserve this recognition of your fine work.
Steve April
4/26/2011 5:09:37 PM
yaaahh, way to go chandra...

Tom O'Brien
4/26/2011 6:39:29 PM
Three cheers! Your presence here is felt in a wonderful way. Glad you're getting this well-deserved recognition.

Stephen John
4/26/2011 8:40:55 PM
Congratulations Chandra. Keep up the good work.

Chandra Moon
4/28/2011 4:59:35 AM
Spammed - what a drag - don't people have anything better to do - it surely won't sell anything.......

Walker Broad
5/1/2011 12:59:53 AM
Really well deserved, nice!
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