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Richard Scotti
3/9/2016 6:42:40 AM
Today I'm going to be getting an acupuncture treatment for severe pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulder.
Apparently, all the years of playing guitars, keyboards and working on the computer have taken a terrible toll me. The pain is driving me crazy and keeping me from working.
I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks and I don't take NSAIDS (advil, Motrin, Ipbrophen,etc) because they kill my stomach. I've have been really suffering with intense and constant pain.(Those meds don't even work anyway)
Has anyone here ever tried acupuncture for pain? Does it work?
Two Silo Complex
3/9/2016 2:49:37 PM
Good Luck Richard I don't know much about acupuncture but from what I hear its kind of cumulative effect like going to the chiropractor. It's worth a try when your in that much pain. I hope it works for you.
3/9/2016 9:04:25 PM
I tried it for my neck (herniated discs) and it didn't help me. My wife tried it for her knees and it didn't help her either. However, my cousin tried it on his shoulder and it worked for him. The acupuncturist told me that it was about a 50/50 chance it would work on my condition. The only thing that works for me is weed and Gabapentin. Weed always works because it makes me forget about the pain and stimulates my creative flow. Gabapentin (non narcotic prescription medicine) works in the summertime but not so much in the winter. Once the cold gets into my neck it feels like it is being stomped on. At that point Weed is my only relief. They also give me Vicodin but I seldom take that crap. Way too many side effects. That is usually my last resort and even that doesn't work sometimes. But weed at least gets me to thinking about something other than the pain. Probably not for everybody but it is the best and cheapest (I grow my own) pain medication I have. Hope you get some relief soon Bro. Neck pain is no joke...........
Shoe City Sound
3/9/2016 9:12:03 PM
Sorry you are going through this. I had a similar problem which took me a couple of years to fix up. I never had acupuncture treatments, but if you're looking into alternative therapies, I have finally actually gotten myself out of pain (knocking wood as I type) with Qi Gong and yoga. These stretching exercises use deep breathing and flowing movements to clear the blocked energies which constrict the muscles. It's not a quick fix, but it's enlightening and it has worked for me. Good luck Richard - don't want you to be hurting, ever.
Richard Scotti
3/9/2016 10:26:32 PM
Thanks for the support Stoneman and Delores.
I do take Gabapentin which helps a little but I don't smoke weed because I'm concerned that it may cause lung problems. I know people say it doesn't do that but every doctor I spoke to says that any kind of smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.
Anyway, the acupuncture actually helped somewhat and I intend to get more treatments because there was a definite improvement. There is less pain and more mobility.
If the condition doesn't improve significantly I intend to see a neck specialist to diagnose the exact problem with an MRI or CAT scan. It could be a pinched nerve,
tendonitis, bulging disc etc etc. There are various kinds of injections that could help. I do Tai Chi and I do meditate but I can't do yoga until I get some pain relief
first. The stretching is just too painful at the moment.
At this stage of my life, just being healthy and pain free is the best high there is.
Bob Dylan had to permanently give up playing guitar because of this kind of neck and shoulder pain from arthritis.
I'd like to get THC in capsules from medical marijuana places but I have no idea how to do that. My doctor is pretty old fashioned and would probably reject a request for a prescription. He told me the DEA is on the warpath against ANY prescription drug that makes people feel good and that they are monitoring doctors
very closely to see what they prescribe. For certain prescriptions you must sign a two page DEA "oath" pledging to conform to various rules and to submit to periodic urine testing!!! Can you believe it??? People with debilitating diseases are now considered potential junkies or dealers. The world has gone mad. BIG BROTHER is watching!
3/10/2016 10:04:36 AM
Actually, if you Vape (like I do) you eliminate all those nasty toxins created by smoke. You are not ingesting smoke. It is pure THC vapor. There are also edibles but once you ingest them they can be very strong and I don't recommend them because of some bad reactions I had. It is great to live in California where my meds are not only legal but I can grow them without being worried about going to jail. My entire team of doctors say that it is safe. My main doctor says that they have discovered that it actually has some cancer fighting properties. He says that out of the over 10,000 patients he has prescribed it to, only one got lung cancer and that person also smoked cigarettes. But you have to find whatever works for you and stay with it. Everyone's body is different and reacts differently to various treatments. The only thing left for my neck is surgery. So, I think I'll stick with the weed as long as I can possibly stand it. Most neck and spine surgeries I have seen didn't go to well. I also took pain management classes. If your doctor can offer that take it. It was very helpful for me. Wishing you pain free days Bro.!
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