Chandra Moon
11/9/2018 11:19:21 AM
New Songs
You may have noticed I've been uploading a few new songs (and there are a few more).
If you listen to them you'll realise they are the roughest of rough demos but those who know me here over the years will also know that I always do it that way! I don't care if they're not very good recordings or even the finished version. I put them up to share, warts and all, to help bring them alive, to get some feedback, to encourage myself to get round to going to the studio and doing them justice.
I believe that songs kind of materialise from somewhere inside and I have to put them out there to overcome my inner critic which always say ahh they're rubbish, they're crap, why do you bother?! But then later, when they're properly recorded I realise that actually the songs are an expression of something and hopefully eventually I'll have enough for a third album.
So feel free to comment, suggest things anything except don't bother to comment on the the standard of the actual recording I already know they're far from finished!!!