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2/7/2013 1:18:08 AM
Just Don't Understand
There are so many things that happen in this world that I don't understand. Things like child abuse, pedophilia and murder. But this song is abut something that left me shaken to the very core of my existence. I wish someone could help me to understand why I was abandoned and physically abused as a child. It was horrendous and life changing. A very important part of me died because of it. The story in this song left me totally shaken and reminded me that there are so many hidden dangers in this world. So many innocent victims. So much pain and I........
<<>>Just Don’t Understand <<>>
Thank you for listening. Much Respect!
Richard Scotti
2/7/2013 9:05:11 AM
---- Updated 2/11/2013 11:27:34 AM
The depth of feeling in this song is amazing. You really captured the essence of of the incomprehension we all feel about this senseless tragedy. Musically and melodically, I could feel the spirit of Marvin Gaye moving through this masterpiece.
Thank you for saying the things that need to be said but are so hard to say in a song. It's so therapeutic to vent our sadness as well as our outrage and you have elevated this form of therapy to a high art indeed.
Even Marvin himself was a victim of gun violence and from his own father!!! Unfortunately, when bad things happen to good people, it's impossible to understand. This is part of the price of being human. Some things can never be understood but we carry on. Life has it's pleasures and it's burdens. Your wonderful songs epitomize how we struggle to reconcile the two opposites of good and evil with dignity, strength and love. Your music and your story are inspirational to me and I'm sure to others as well. Keep on keepin' on, Stoneman.
Shoe City Sound
2/7/2013 10:07:21 AM
I was thinking as I listened that if you took out all the lyrics (but NOT the vocal harmonies) you would be hearing something totally angelic and beautiful sounding - the fact that the words tell of the most shocking and violent event is a particular Stoneman style juxtaposition as far as I'm concerned - saying something that is just harsh reality in the most beautiful way.
I try to understand what makes people act out in such awful ways, and most of the time I find I can chalk it up to so much fear that they're always the victim in their own perception so they act out in a perverted sort of self defense. But I can't put this logic to the killing of children. I just can't imagine what would make anyone behave this way. I guess I should be glad my mind doesn't go there.
Wonderful music as always ....
Chandra Moon
2/8/2013 1:43:52 AM
Congratulations in capturing in music the shock and incomprehension of such a terrible, brutal act. I found it very hard to listen to because of the subject matter - but that is a tribute and we shouldn't forget.
The Big River Bandits
2/8/2013 7:31:12 AM
Hey Stoneman,
I'm with you. It is indeed horrible the depths that human beings can sink. I will never understand it either.
Respect to you.
Gerry Power.
Steve Ison
2/10/2013 1:20:04 PM
Hi Stoneman.,Very moving tale about a tragic event put over with great lyrics a heartfelt vocal n sweet soul groove that definitely brings to mind 70s Marvin Gaye..
Yeh there's alot of very f*cked up people in the world..
Whens the US gonna ban easy gun ownership ?
2/10/2013 9:39:33 PM
Man, you give the best reviews. It is not often that you see a Black man blush but your words just put the biggest blush on my face. Thank you so much! I am so honored to even be mentioned in the same breath as Marvin Gaye who happens to be one of my favorite all time great artists. I certainly don’t feel worthy of such an accolade but I am thankful that you think I am. The tragedy of Sandy Hook will forever live in our hearts as a reminder of the brutality and finality that one person with a gun can bring. Much respect and thanks to you my musical brother.
Yes, it so true that I often reach for contrast between music and lyrics. The idea for this song was to bring beauty in the face of total despair. My intention of beauty of was to focus on all those beautiful children and teachers who were taken from us in such a catastrophic and deplorable way. Thank you for your insightful listen and for being such a great IAC friend.
Chandra, Gerry and Steve,
Thank you all so much for listening and for your kind words about this song. As you know, when you write a song , you never know what other people are going to think about it. Reading good comments from people like you means the world to me. Mainly because you are all great artists in your own right. Chandra, writing the lyrics for this song was very hard for me. I was driven by the emotionality and sadness of it all. Steve, I agree that something must be done about easy gun ownership. Maybe that will be the one good thing that comes out of this grievous and appalling occurrence.
Much Respect And Thanks To You All!
I Am Humbled
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