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Tom O'Brien
2/25/2012 5:25:05 PM
Announcing our new album!
So, pour yourself a glass of wine, or smoke a little herb, or slip into a hot tub, or whatever it takes to prepare your mind to be totally blown! (Did I build it up enough?)
Dreamtown is the new band and album written and performed by Bob Elliott and Tom O'Brien with amazing percussive help from Matt Perez. It's a whole different beast than what you've heard from us before, heavy into polyrhythms with tastes of soul, rock, jazz and folk. We need to invent a new genre name, if you've got any suggestions!
We highly recommend listening to the album from start to finish. Give us 45 minutes of your life and we'll give you a musical experience you won't forget.
We hope you enjoy listening to this album as much as we've enjoyed making it.
Listen here: http://iacmusic.com/artist.aspx?ID=149145
2/27/2012 8:52:03 PM
Listened to several of the Dreamtown songs today and liked it a lot. My fav's so far are "Some Time Later" and "Does She". I think you guys have done a wonderful job on this project. Love the vocals and guitar work. At time I am sure I could hear a flute. Or, were my ears fooling me? At any rate, I wish you great success on your new release. I will be back to hear more later.
Much Respect,
Hop On Pop
2/28/2012 5:42:12 AM
A track from this came up on my shuffle yesterday and I stopped to check to see who it was.
Really great, guys.
The Dorroughbys
2/29/2012 8:16:34 PM
Hey Tom, really looking forward to checking this out. I'll be moving to a place with internet access in three weeks (been having to connect to IAC at work - no speakers, no time, no music listening!), so no more long distance cd exchange. Also, I'm keen to check out some other stuff of yours I heard a year or so back, some electro pop(?) from memory, that I remember thinking was real cool. Anyway, keep up the writing and performing.
cheers x cary
Tom O'Brien
3/2/2012 9:36:21 AM
Thanks for your comments Stoneman. It's so nice of you to give us a listen. Yes, that's a real flute in there on a few tunes.
Todd, that's so cool that we came up on your shuffle! I love when songs make you want to know who did them - that's something we were really after, having a whole new sound. There are definitely no cliches on this album.
Cary, so nice to hear from you! The CD will be ready in a few weeks if you'd like one. We'll give them away to anyone who will listen!
Chandra Moon
3/3/2012 1:52:20 AM
So looking forward to receiving my copy - let me know if you still have my Bristol postal address.
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