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Tom O'Brien
6/17/2009 1:51:16 AM
An interesting thought about race...
I was in the tub last night, and was noticing my moles (I'm a white guy). It occurred to me that moles and freckles are just pigmentation variations for the most part. So those tiny spots of dark skin may be vestiges of my very distant African ancestry. That is, if you believe, like I do, in evolution, and the idea that that's where all human life evolved from. We're really not all that different, after all.

Bryon Tosoff
6/17/2009 2:22:55 AM
---- Updated 6/17/2009 2:26:57 AM
Tom, you are right. we all carry the same genetic code. the color we have is just like a variation of the code much like a rose ,. there are many varieties of it. yet each has its own unique quality and beauty, there is no race really, that is something conjured up by those who have a problem with different cultures and "color" and perhaps inbreed from years of indoctrination

Kevin White
6/17/2009 3:32:46 AM
---- Updated 6/17/2009 3:52:47 AM
My ancestry traces back to northern European ... which means I might be directly related to polar bears ...
My moles represent messages from my ancestors that I've not yet been able to decipher.
I think they're trying to tell me to use more sunblock ... but I don't know for sure.
From a scientific standpoint, where remains were discovered isn't the same as because they were discovered there. Though that was the origin of discovery, it may only mean that's where they were preserved enough to be discovered.
It's an interesting world ... and life evolved all over the planet, not from one place ... at least that's how I see it ... even if science wants a simple one spot to isolate "where it all began" ... but I think that a pretty narrow view of it.
Hence ... a very varied planet ... not so easily pigeonholed ....
and I've always wondered why "if they're so smart" ... they just tried to explain "where it all began"? Why couldn't it begin anywhere, and yet leave little to no trace?
Why must it be Africa ... just because that's where the trail is most evident? Would it not be more scientific and logical to think there is more than one trail?
I don't think that's where moles come from ... but what do I know?
Heck, I'm a descendant of polar bears!

Jeff Allen Myers
6/17/2009 4:10:54 AM
Polar Bear??? Why not a Black Bear???... you Racist Bastid!!!! :)

Bryon Tosoff
6/17/2009 5:30:19 AM
I evolved from a toss off

Maeve Kelly
7/14/2009 4:31:59 PM
---- Updated 7/14/2009 4:32:38 PM
Mole: A small velvety-furred burrowing mammal with small eyes and fossorial forefeet. Question: What was Tom doing with one of these in a bath tub? :-) M

Texas Willie
7/14/2009 4:38:55 PM
LMAO.......Thanks for making my morning M 8^)
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