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Tom O'Brien
8/28/2009 6:53:41 PM
Which came first - rhythm or melody?
Way back in the long, long ago, when we were grunting little primates on our way to becoming human, do you think we discovered rhythm, maybe beating rocks together to make tools, or did melody naturally happen, hearing and imitating birdcalls and such? I think it's safe to assume that lyrics came later.

the Rivergods
8/28/2009 7:19:54 PM
so THAT'S why they're called drum heads.......never knew, thanks Larree.
I have to go with rhythm, though. I think we were pounding on things long before we developed song.

8/28/2009 8:27:42 PM
If you ask the guy we started this fanclub for the answer is none of the above

Chris Hance
8/28/2009 8:55:27 PM
I think melody came from birds

Anon E. Mouse
8/29/2009 12:25:30 AM
Now, THAT's a tasty answer.
I like Birds.
They go down almost as smooth as that Anon E. Mouse did.
yummy in the tummy.
-Doobious DoobieMeyer the Cat

Psyche's Muse
8/29/2009 8:07:15 AM
the heart-beat... the rhythm of night and day... life and death... melody is an elaborate extention of rhythm... for the differences themselves which make all the notes/pitches/intonations "sound" unique are actually vibratory resonances... rhythms... rhythms... -M-
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