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Tom O'Brien
2/15/2010 3:22:26 PM
Groovy new tune for Valentine's Day
...Or Chinese New Year - take your pick.
It's called "Room of Gold."
If someone could post a live link to it, I'd be most appreciative.
Happy listening. Heartfelt thanks, as always,

Bob Rylett
2/15/2010 5:20:21 PM
here you go Tommy, really creative " groovy love ballad" my brother, thanks for sharing...
I really liked the lyric and your intensity...cheers bob

Richard Scotti
2/15/2010 5:55:16 PM
---- Updated 2/15/2010 5:56:14 PM
Tom's O'brien's song:
Room Of Gold

Bob Rylett
2/15/2010 5:56:49 PM
Oh sorry, i misunderstood, cheers.

2/15/2010 6:58:10 PM
very nice song, enjoyed listening to it.

Tom O'Brien
2/16/2010 11:24:07 AM
Thanks for the technical help (I'm so low-tech) and for the nice comments.
Cheers! Tom
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