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Eric Steffensen
Views for this Topic: 575

2/27/2020 6:57:38 AM
I just had a song mastered....what should I be listening for?

1/27/2020 3:30:01 PM
Could I ask a huge favor for a song I'm working on?

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IAC Prime Member


Eric Steffensen

1/27/2020 3:30:01 PM

Could I ask a huge favor for a song I'm working on?
I've been working with a producer on a new song and we're finally to the stage where I think we're ready to mix it.

However before we start mixing, I'm trying to gather some good market intelligence to help me pitch the song for film and TV later, and to confirm whether or not we are ready to start mixing.

I've built a survey that helps me gather the specific information I'll need. Responses are anonymous so you don't have to worry about hurting my feelings if you don't like it.

Could you complete this survey for me please? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W87F7GD

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