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1/9/2017 10:29:38 AM
It's start a new topic week on the pipeline
Everybody must start a new topic or I will, as one of my teachers used to say, fill the air with punches. :D
Bryon Tosoff
1/9/2017 12:44:40 PM
Bluto, are you going to be a Big Bulky Bully again, or shall I call up Popeye or your Girlfriend Olive Oyl, I think the topics have been going pretty good of late, with good input ,we dont need your veiled threats
as my english teach used to say STFU. er, is that allowed
glad to see you are still alive, I thought you left us with that other guy
your favorite enema
1/9/2017 1:36:21 PM
That wasn't a veiled threat, it was a direct one. :D
Really I'm just joking of course. Just trying to egg some folks on who haven't started a new thread in awhile.
Bryon Tosoff
1/9/2017 1:41:05 PM
Well we are doing better
but yes it needs a prod, and no better then you using your cattle prod
1/16/2017 4:00:43 PM
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1/16/2017 4:42:21 PM
Having seen your topics at mp3.com, I think most of them would fit well here. You won't get as many responses as you did then but then again I once saw a 100 post flame war started just by you showing up to listensmart.com and saying Hello, I'm Zeeza. ha ha ha ha
We don't allow site issues, that's about the only restriction. For those you can email me.
In answer to your question about who sucks up the most, he's not allowed to post on the pipeline anymore.
In regards to your question about female music directors, we are always looking for anyone who wants to volunteer. We have 100 different things at least that you could help out with if you want to, including talent scouting, having a radio show on IMPeccable Radio, being a genre manager, and that goes for everybody, not just you. Write me, all of ya, at indiemusicpeople (at) aol.com if you want to get involved in IMP stuff.
Bryon Tosoff
1/16/2017 4:56:57 PM
Welcome Zeeza
I know I am going to like Zeeza here, she asks all the questions I have asked in the past , great host too working with you Scott on the Golden Kayaks
And please Zeeza, bring any and all songs of all styles you have a wonderful voice and creative sense of things and you bring a lot of the table. your music is unique and so interesting, the lyrics compelling. i have added many of your songs to my stations. you rock
i like people who ask those inquiring tough questions some of which needs to be directed at the CEO cause I know I have asked some compelling questions, but site issues and stuff like that, well we need to being send emails directly to Scott in regards to the shekels and moula
Bring on the topics. we are pretty fun around this place we call home
1/16/2017 5:02:49 PM
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1/16/2017 5:10:58 PM
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