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Views for this Topic: 957

8/2/2024 11:17:57 AM
If a spammer invades your thread on the pipeline

10/13/2022 5:18:50 AM
We still have a political forum downstairs

9/24/2022 10:36:18 AM
Is it just me or do you find Popeye unlikeable?

5/7/2021 12:58:18 PM
the political forum is habitable again

7/15/2019 2:48:51 PM
It's Creative Topic Starta Week

1/23/2019 6:28:28 PM
Official Golden Kayak Show Pipeline Thread - stop in,,

6/23/2018 12:46:24 PM
What's with you people?

2/25/2018 8:53:57 AM
Wanted: Topic Starters and Interesting Topics

2/14/2018 2:54:29 PM
rating my favorite foods

1/14/2018 4:24:33 PM
Official Golden Kayak Pipeline Thread~

11/28/2017 11:39:33 PM
What's with all the folks without personal symbols?

11/12/2017 2:16:54 PM
a message from the moderator

10/27/2017 12:17:35 AM
Why do so many of you not have personal symbols?

10/26/2017 7:48:20 AM
Something sinister is going on here.

8/8/2017 1:19:14 PM
Do you listen to indies less than you used to?

6/3/2017 7:37:09 AM
Thread Hijacking

6/1/2017 4:33:11 AM
I find this really stupid.

1/19/2017 9:26:34 PM
Our rule about No Site Issues on the pipeline will be disrespected no more

1/15/2017 12:28:19 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/9/2017 10:29:38 AM
It's start a new topic week on the pipeline

9/20/2016 2:01:53 AM
cracking down on hateful attacks

6/10/2016 3:58:24 PM
What kinds of indie music promo do you hate?

4/17/2016 11:39:30 AM
punchlines that are kind of funny even without the rest of the joke..

3/7/2016 3:07:42 PM
Time to start fresh with some new threads

2/21/2016 8:03:50 PM
City with Popeye as its mascot seething in corruption

1/17/2016 12:32:40 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/1/2016 7:27:28 AM
I was bouncer at a New Year's Eve party last night

12/1/2015 7:27:15 PM
moderator policy on political threads

11/2/2015 12:22:00 PM
Would you rather be loved or respected?

10/14/2015 9:14:40 PM
Ever notice chinese food is a ripoff?

9/20/2015 9:26:31 PM
Follow the site on Twitter

9/12/2015 11:13:44 AM
I was named pipeline moderator


Basic (free) Member



6/3/2017 7:37:09 AM

Thread Hijacking
When a person starts a posting on a message board, or forum, or Facebook, that others are able to comment on, that original posting and the comments on it are called a thread. A thread hijacking occurs when one or more individuals commenting on the original posting, go off topic, creating a separate conversation. This is rude, and bad internet etiquette. If people want to discuss a different topic, they should start their own thread.

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6/3/2017 8:43:28 AM

Well Okay, Mr Moderator,

very interesting topic,
and as neutrally as possible,
let me pick your brain some.

I assume, you are not going to call this a thing that can be done,
by the same person who started the thread.

Now, maybe, you are referring to a post or two I popped up with,
after somebody here just got through telling me it's 'bs'
and otherwise being, what I consider, to be a jackass,
on the subject of posting a thread, then sealing the gate,
before anybody could hijack the thing. Maybe.
By the way, why in all those cartoons, did it never occur to you,
to also eat Spinach? Not one cartoon did I see that happen in, not one.
And it might have been interesting. But anyway...

I came on to ask, about the thread,
which I've since removed, entirely,
'cause it caused such a stinkstorm,

about the now defunct band The Coming Of Age.
We made some great records,
I hope Edison (aka Scott) puts up on sale, two dollars a piece,
'cause my dollar will go directly as further donation to IMP.

Okay, my question, before you tell me I'm hijacking yours.
You ready?

At what point,
did my thread,
about the song called Multi-Colored Meltdown
by The Coming Of Age,

you remember the thread, you the moderator...

at what point,
did that thread, become hijacked?

If you would Sir. I'd like to hear your take on that one. If I may.

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6/3/2017 10:11:39 AM

None of that matters.

Let's talk about My problems.

My big toe has been purple for weeks now. And I didn't even drop anything on it. That's kind of a worry. What if it's leprosy? OMG. Comments (about MY problems with my big toe) are welcome.

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6/3/2017 10:18:37 AM

The Cheshire Cat was better,
this reveals an impossible aspiration.

That said.
I asked him.

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6/3/2017 10:50:34 AM

I'd rather talk about ME. But, then, I have nothing to say.

I have armadillos under the house. Nasty creatures.

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6/3/2017 12:20:34 PM

Yeah, thread hijacking. it is a psychological problem. A constant need for attention and approval. Thread hijackers need to get some serious therapy.

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6/3/2017 1:05:43 PM

Bad internet etiquette...? seriously...? people get rude on probably half the threads on the internet... whoop-de-doo.
Feelings nothing more than feelings...
Sounds like someone got sand somewhere it's not suppose to be...

I don't believe it's done on purpose most of the time anyway... Let the OP decide if it's flown off the handle by posting a response.
These things are organic and they can take on different shapes and forms. Kind of the beauty of it sometimes...
I posted a song in Reviews and next thing you know Bryon and I start talking about our brothers musical talents and where we grew up yada yada yada...
Shame on you Bryon... ;-)

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6/3/2017 3:23:47 PM

If the person who started the thread wants to veer off course or crap up his own thread, that's his or her prerogative. Lesley it's a fact that at IMP we get numerous complaints from members that you come on their threads and make them about you, as Lyin Dan was illustrating quite well. This thread was an attempt to in a nice way encourage folks not to do that.

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6/3/2017 3:43:45 PM

Okay, thank you for at least responding
to my more pertinent question.
I'll simply go under the assumption that you can't stand spinach.

Bluto, please write to me, any time,
there is a complaint about me,
I want to know it, immediately:


I'm really going to try, to not post, on anyone's thread ever at this point.
With the exception perhaps of what I did today,
I posted on Poirot's thread about his song,
and put a link there, and the photo with it,
'cause a picture's worth a thousand words,
and my contention is, he'll get more listens, 'cause the picture is there.
I know how to do a link, so I did a link. Said, 'it's a good song, go listen', or such.

If I do have to say a thing, then by golly I will say it, as neat and clean as I can.
And then get the heck out. I don't mean to make everything about me, it just happens, so in general I am trying to do more, and say way less. Thanks Bluto.

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6/3/2017 9:03:35 PM

Take me to CUBA!
I have a loaded banana!
Move! Move! Move!
Bring me some peanuts and some Coca Cola too please.

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