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8/2/2024 11:17:57 AM
If a spammer invades your thread on the pipeline

10/13/2022 5:18:50 AM
We still have a political forum downstairs

9/24/2022 10:36:18 AM
Is it just me or do you find Popeye unlikeable?

5/7/2021 12:58:18 PM
the political forum is habitable again

7/15/2019 2:48:51 PM
It's Creative Topic Starta Week

1/23/2019 6:28:28 PM
Official Golden Kayak Show Pipeline Thread - stop in,,

6/23/2018 12:46:24 PM
What's with you people?

2/25/2018 8:53:57 AM
Wanted: Topic Starters and Interesting Topics

2/14/2018 2:54:29 PM
rating my favorite foods

1/14/2018 4:24:33 PM
Official Golden Kayak Pipeline Thread~

11/28/2017 11:39:33 PM
What's with all the folks without personal symbols?

11/12/2017 2:16:54 PM
a message from the moderator

10/27/2017 12:17:35 AM
Why do so many of you not have personal symbols?

10/26/2017 7:48:20 AM
Something sinister is going on here.

8/8/2017 1:19:14 PM
Do you listen to indies less than you used to?

6/3/2017 7:37:09 AM
Thread Hijacking

6/1/2017 4:33:11 AM
I find this really stupid.

1/19/2017 9:26:34 PM
Our rule about No Site Issues on the pipeline will be disrespected no more

1/15/2017 12:28:19 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/9/2017 10:29:38 AM
It's start a new topic week on the pipeline

9/20/2016 2:01:53 AM
cracking down on hateful attacks

6/10/2016 3:58:24 PM
What kinds of indie music promo do you hate?

4/17/2016 11:39:30 AM
punchlines that are kind of funny even without the rest of the joke..

3/7/2016 3:07:42 PM
Time to start fresh with some new threads

2/21/2016 8:03:50 PM
City with Popeye as its mascot seething in corruption

1/17/2016 12:32:40 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/1/2016 7:27:28 AM
I was bouncer at a New Year's Eve party last night

12/1/2015 7:27:15 PM
moderator policy on political threads

11/2/2015 12:22:00 PM
Would you rather be loved or respected?

10/14/2015 9:14:40 PM
Ever notice chinese food is a ripoff?

9/20/2015 9:26:31 PM
Follow the site on Twitter

9/12/2015 11:13:44 AM
I was named pipeline moderator


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8/8/2017 1:19:14 PM ---- Updated 8/8/2017 1:19:49 PM

Do you listen to indies less than you used to?
If so, why?

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Hop On Pop

8/8/2017 1:35:10 PM

I just listen to what I listen to. Whatever mood strikes me.
Could be Bob Elliott.
Could be Guided By Voices.
Could be Dolly Parton.
Could be Hanson.

I don't think about whether or not it's "Indie" music, just about whether or not I like it and I am in the mood for it.

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WWMM Michael

8/8/2017 6:37:05 PM

Waaayyyy more indies since I found IMP. My biggest era was the artists of 1962 to 1977 mostly, with a few stars in the 80's and 90's.

Have hated the crud on the Grammies and American "Music" Awards for years. During the country/pop crossover stuff listened to some of that, but not much. Now really dislike the CMA's and CMT's because they just want to pat each other on the back too much.


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8/11/2017 4:04:35 PM


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Paul groover

8/12/2017 1:38:21 PM ---- Updated 8/12/2017 1:55:11 PM

What does indie even mean now. Independant from what from who is there even a mainstream. All i see is bunch of greedy corporations locking out any fringe talent. That would have been big in the past. That's why the charts are so predictable. We have granddads and grandmothers headlining festivals not young cool people with half an idea and loads of talent. Google has went totally crazy as has facebook. Places like this are the last bastions of sanity. In an idealogical battle between those who do not have and those who have. They can call it what they want left versus right up versus down side versus side. It's the same thing it's the idealogical wool that has been pulled over your eyes to mislead you from what the real reality is. My nation Scotland should be a peace loving nation as we are so few and everyone else is so many. I cannot think of a time when Scottish soldiers have not been at war in the last couple of hundreds of years for what. We don't own anything our country is massively divided by purpose. We pay massive tributes to other nations that spit in our faces every chance they get. USA has something Scotland will never have not in my life time. Don't let it slip away by deception and corruption which seems to be the way in the USA right now. Independant thought leads to independant music leads to indepandant listeners. We are one though deep down that is inescapable. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. Almost poetic hehe


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8/12/2017 5:56:23 PM

All very true stuff Paul. The world is a mess right now and music is representative of the mess. Artists are so frustrated with the closed doors of the industry. But me? I see a new day dawning where artists will begin to reap the rewards of their hard work. Reaping is a universal law that has to be obeyed. If you come to it, your spirit will bring you through it. If you are doing the work, the result is sure to come some day. The problem with us as people is impatience. We want our rewards right now. But music industry success is as illusive as the reparations of 40 acres and a mule that were promised to slaves when the were set free. So, how do you stay motivated? The motivation is in the music. Just keep doing music and you will stay motivated by the songs themselves. But never give up and never allow the uncertainty of the industry to destroy your goal of being a a self sufficient musician. Then again, it may never happen. Even if it doesn't happen for you the joy of writing producing and performing music will be your greatest reward. That joy transcends all the heartbreak of life. Life is full of heartbreaks no matter what you are doing. Struggle is a healthy way of overcoming obstacles. Through struggle you gain strength and a strong mettle. Nothing can shake you. That is essential in the music industry because you will hear the word no a whole lot. We must become an artists that forge ahead without concern for the bright lights and exposure. How do I know this? My entire life has been one struggle after the next. Started out as an abandoned and abused child but ended up as a songwriter/producer with his own home, studio etc. I remember when I was in Nam there was an area on the Mekong river we called Death Cove because every time we went there somebody got killed. It was a struggle for me to pilot my boat filled with Marines while knowing that a large percentage of them were going to be killed before we made base again. It was because of that that I seldom befriended the Marines on my boat because I didn't want to feel the sting of pain I always felt when a friend got killed. But we kept getting orders to go to Death Cove and every time I went there it became easier for me. As the boat Coxswain I was not allowed to get out of the boat. I was the Skipper and it was my job to be there when the Marines returned so they could be brought back to base. When they would leave the boat I would be there all alone on the river like a sitting duck waiting to be killed. Weed and Heroine helped me through that struggle as I was just a 17 year old boy in a mans world where death and destruction was all around me. Much in the same way that I am a musician and criticism and failure are all around me. But it is my belief in my music and my dedication to working hard that keeps me going. I may never get a big hit but I can definitely say that I have already achieved way more than anyone expected of me. Growing up in Watts, I was expected to wind up in jail, dead or something as final and tortuous as that. I truly love what I do and that makes it all quite easy for me. I listen to indie music because I am an indie musician and have great respect for those who go it alone. It is a hard life but as Larry Graham once said "Music is the only love". It is not the only love that matters to me but it is the only love that has never failed to touch me in a special way. I love to hear the musical journey that other artists are on. It is quite fulfilling and inspirational. I like to cheer them on and revel in their successes.

Much Respect,

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Paul groover

8/13/2017 3:54:38 PM

Stoneman that is a truly inspiring story i feel better about this world knowing that there is people like you in it

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