negative tendencies
1/17/2019 8:22:07 AM
political music
Part of the fiber of America for as long as there has been recorded music is the music of the times. Crosby Stills Nash and Young did something historic when they released the single Ohio one week after the Kent State Massacre. One of the greatest things about the internet is its immediacy. You could write a song about something that happened yesterday and post it for all the world today. I haven't released any new music for a lonnnng time, didn't even touch my guitar for over a year til about a month ago. Now, once again, I'm about to unleash the world's greatest band but this time it won't be party music like our first record, no this music has serious social implications. There is nobody filling the void in political music now, there's no CSNY, Bob Dylan is doing Sinatra, well, ladies and gentleman, THAT VOID IS ABOUT TO BE FUCKING FILLED, that's all I'm gonna say.
1/17/2019 12:53:58 PM
Let Him Do His Job for my American friends who support our President and When You Fall for the Speaker of the House and anyone else who doesn't believe the President, regardless of who it is, should be respected, and given the courtesy he or she deserves to make things happen. Fertile ground it is, . . .