Bryon Tosoff
9/30/2022 1:04:40 PM
It had some aspects of decent rock, although not up to the standards negten has established and known for.
I found it okay and only stayed with the song for about a minute,that is all I could take if that, seeing a$$hole in the title was not inviting as well, even though some of us probably told people what we felt about them. It just did not have the quality of vocals you have dropped in the past and the lyrics aint my thing, basically it was as a song below the expectations I was hoping for, the vid was pretty interesting, well done, the song just did not have something that was listenable and interesting.
my 2 and 1/2 cents
Bryon Tosoff
9/30/2022 1:37:30 PM
okay then I probably should listen to the entire song, I did check it out again for a bit and got more out of it. The mix did not feel right, the vocals needed to be more out front. the guitar rhythm needed to more pronounced, that bass rocks though, the percussion is true to form like stones, the bgs on a$$hole was a good touch, also there were tasty touches with the percussive extras
so listened to the entire tune and it started to grow on me, still think the mix could be worked on
guess I'[m an a$$hole for speaking up too soon
still pretty good tune, takes time to work in the full feel of it, so I give it a C+