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negative tendencies
Views for this Topic: 233

10/5/2024 9:09:03 AM
poetic new tune

8/31/2024 1:31:20 PM
Here's a new one out of our Beatles bag o' tricks

7/5/2024 2:38:05 PM
Our brand new song is the most powerful one we've ever done

6/21/2024 7:36:23 AM
Our new song is sad and dark..

5/12/2024 7:55:37 AM
It's a good day for a new and hooky pop extravaganza.

4/20/2024 9:40:55 AM
Stormy (a love song)

4/10/2024 8:45:15 AM
the day the past caught up with the future..- a new Neg Ten Joint..

2/4/2024 11:25:35 AM
a man was in love with a nun

1/28/2024 11:45:41 AM
we covered another indie

1/8/2024 9:55:04 AM
Another new cinematic song by the band

12/31/2023 9:12:32 AM
Our latest song may be one of our best

11/11/2023 3:31:03 PM
We just did a radio interview.

10/11/2023 7:38:47 AM
a new song about making friends on the internet

9/12/2023 9:21:56 AM
We tried a novelty song this time..

7/16/2023 7:14:37 AM
a monumental new song

6/7/2023 8:45:18 AM
Neg Ten returns to its rock roots with a song that will stay in your head

5/4/2023 4:12:02 PM
Big Day for the band..

4/3/2023 8:49:37 PM
a swampy new song about space travel

3/24/2023 11:24:42 AM
Brand new from Neg Ten - It's a groovy, feelgood kinda song.

3/2/2023 7:47:06 AM
our psychedelic era

2/22/2023 12:02:07 PM
what our band is up to

1/26/2023 10:24:28 AM
new R&Bish song for yas

12/13/2022 10:37:42 AM
Are you ready for a sexy spacerock ditty

11/24/2022 4:54:40 PM
How short can a song be?

10/15/2022 1:18:25 PM
gloaty man on rampage

9/26/2022 9:53:45 AM
new Stonesey rocker by Neg Ten

9/14/2022 2:56:03 AM
Neg Ten attempts a song that's a mite ambitious

9/7/2022 3:33:19 AM
working on 4 songs

8/26/2022 8:45:50 AM
our latest promotional technique

8/1/2022 3:34:23 AM
We did a pretty song for a change.

6/8/2022 10:22:02 AM
something psychedelic this way comes

5/22/2022 11:15:37 AM
Brand new tune - it's a true story

4/5/2022 9:15:57 AM
a new song about justice

3/17/2022 7:33:59 PM
new song about trains - lots of harmonies

2/24/2022 1:45:10 PM
so what are we up to musically? anything?

2/20/2022 12:11:09 PM
a new song in a different vein

2/1/2022 10:44:33 PM
new song about sex with an alien

1/12/2022 3:02:01 PM
new Beatlesque tune

12/19/2021 11:35:12 AM
All it takes to make my baby happy..

11/16/2021 8:59:34 PM
got interviewed

10/30/2021 12:30:42 PM
What's this? Acclaimed rock band attempts innocent love song?

10/17/2021 7:55:46 PM
another new song - Some Kinda Night - special nighttime release :)

10/14/2021 9:23:18 AM
Want to play a guessing game?

10/1/2021 12:13:02 PM
new song

9/18/2021 12:29:09 PM
new Neg Ten rocker

9/16/2021 2:15:59 PM
22 years online talking about the future of rock

9/7/2021 10:22:53 PM
Neg Ten covers the Beatles

8/22/2021 4:39:00 AM
Music Activism Works and our band proved it.

8/5/2021 11:54:40 AM
Doncha know it's not right?

7/24/2021 10:33:17 AM
for all casual fans of our band

7/4/2021 10:20:21 PM
update on Neg Ten

6/23/2021 10:30:21 AM
Brand New Single - It's a Purty Ballad

5/29/2021 11:15:36 AM
Pleased to bring yas our new ambitious single

5/21/2021 8:45:48 PM
Our next release will be lethal.

4/30/2021 8:42:03 AM
new song - fresh tune

4/11/2021 10:56:40 PM
a heart warming story

4/6/2021 5:57:03 PM
musings on the usefulness of youtube videos

3/22/2021 9:57:15 AM
our new single may be too heavy for some of yas

2/25/2021 2:36:48 PM
Mike Lance

2/21/2021 9:39:35 AM
new killa song - Wild Tomorrow

2/16/2021 6:51:31 PM
I really hesitate to post this

12/9/2020 10:00:04 AM
another new song, this one of the blues rock persuasion

11/30/2020 12:08:27 PM
WTF? Neg Ten's New Single a Country Song?

11/21/2020 3:57:28 PM
What's coming next for Neg Ten?

11/7/2020 1:39:59 PM
Here's our new one, celebrating the end of our 4 year American nightmare

10/10/2020 12:59:44 PM
something majestic..

9/26/2020 9:45:49 AM
another groove heavy tune from your favorite indie band

9/3/2020 2:36:48 PM
we just reached 30,000 followers on Twitter.

8/16/2020 1:02:08 PM
new and different from Neg Ten

7/24/2020 11:38:11 AM
new hard rock song

6/26/2020 1:52:33 PM
the softer side of Neg Ten

6/20/2020 9:02:23 PM
Brace yoselves

5/24/2020 6:02:10 PM
brand new song

4/7/2020 10:15:43 AM
new song coming around the corner

3/8/2020 10:29:46 AM
Our new Secret Agent song now has a video

1/19/2020 3:52:17 PM
we reached 19,000 followers on Twitter

1/13/2020 3:23:16 PM
Brand Spanking New from Neg Ten, a sophisticated pop song

1/6/2020 3:13:20 PM
new and rockin'

1/2/2020 9:56:03 PM
with a little help from our friend Zeeza

11/6/2019 3:10:08 PM
Spoofing Bowie

10/17/2019 4:52:48 AM
Neg Ten reaches 10,000 followers on Twitter.

10/10/2019 12:05:41 AM
It's an indie

9/3/2019 8:16:00 AM
a song about romance in times when 300 million guns are pointed at you

8/29/2019 11:48:12 AM
the first ever Neg Ten song with saxophone

7/30/2019 2:53:32 PM
we pimped up our page

7/28/2019 6:16:06 PM
passed 4000 followers on Twitter

6/7/2019 7:15:19 AM
brand new video for You Turn My Pages

6/3/2019 4:15:55 PM
when a rock band goes Motown

5/18/2019 3:18:00 AM
new video for Hardship Lane

4/22/2019 10:02:40 AM
The seasons are changin', our problems the same

4/9/2019 5:42:35 PM
Do Ya Think It's Ok?

3/29/2019 9:13:49 AM

3/9/2019 9:58:47 AM
another brand new song by your favorite rockers

2/17/2019 4:06:23 PM
the most important song this year??

2/8/2019 8:49:43 PM
we mean business.

1/17/2019 8:22:07 AM
political music

9/4/2017 3:16:20 AM
We got interviewed.

8/5/2017 3:55:33 AM
Holy infidelity! Our new video...........................

8/3/2017 2:53:09 PM
Let Your Feet Walk

8/1/2017 7:44:35 AM
If you have Twitter, please follow our band.

7/12/2017 9:31:33 PM
Well every dog has its day

7/10/2017 11:34:51 AM
we. crossed. the. threshold.

6/26/2017 9:01:27 AM
rumors of a comeback?

4/30/2017 9:50:26 AM
a psychedelic party

1/26/2017 6:20:52 AM
Is there even an audience for rock like the Who and the Stones anymore?

1/9/2017 1:51:35 PM
Let the pre-hype begin

10/22/2016 7:11:38 PM
Led Zeppelin II was released 47 years ago today

7/29/2016 6:46:33 AM
The ultimate act of musical rebellion

7/28/2016 12:02:07 PM

5/24/2016 1:06:18 PM
for all the new pipeliners who like rock.. Are you ready for the future?

5/8/2016 8:52:48 AM
It's coming.

5/2/2016 12:28:07 PM
We just released our DMD and it is pretty cheap.

4/26/2016 5:12:52 AM
Don't forget about us.

2/21/2016 11:58:05 AM
Astronauts heard unexplainable music on the moon.

2/7/2016 8:21:04 AM
That time has come around again..

1/9/2016 11:32:54 AM
new Negative Tendencies song is good for a freakout

10/16/2015 5:36:01 PM
WTF? Neg Tendencies take on the mighty Zep in a new hardrock romantic thrilla!!

10/10/2015 12:36:31 PM
fear of speaking online, like on the pipeline


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negative tendencies

5/12/2024 7:55:37 AM

It's a good day for a new and hooky pop extravaganza.

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Chris Hance

5/12/2024 8:46:20 AM

That was good, brought a smile to my day, well done.

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negative tendencies

5/14/2024 8:05:21 AM

thanks, gllad you liked it.

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Mike Lance

5/14/2024 6:22:14 PM

This is a very catchy tune.

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Richard Scotti

5/14/2024 6:57:18 PM

Groovy ear candy!

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5/14/2024 8:43:52 PM

sooo cool--- real fun vid great song

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Steve April

5/14/2024 10:05:51 PM

Like the lyrics/story here, and the band sounds good...

Female energy should not be underestimated, teens and 20s prob'ly buy most of the music, and I like the empathy...

Rock on...

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6/3/2024 5:17:55 AM ---- Updated 6/3/2024 6:23:52 AM

Your words uplift my spirits.

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Bob Elliott

6/24/2024 3:00:59 PM

Pretty rockin' tune. Have a jealous day.

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