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negative tendencies
Views for this Topic: 257

10/5/2024 9:09:03 AM
poetic new tune

8/31/2024 1:31:20 PM
Here's a new one out of our Beatles bag o' tricks

7/5/2024 2:38:05 PM
Our brand new song is the most powerful one we've ever done

6/21/2024 7:36:23 AM
Our new song is sad and dark..

5/12/2024 7:55:37 AM
It's a good day for a new and hooky pop extravaganza.

4/20/2024 9:40:55 AM
Stormy (a love song)

4/10/2024 8:45:15 AM
the day the past caught up with the future..- a new Neg Ten Joint..

2/4/2024 11:25:35 AM
a man was in love with a nun

1/28/2024 11:45:41 AM
we covered another indie

1/8/2024 9:55:04 AM
Another new cinematic song by the band

12/31/2023 9:12:32 AM
Our latest song may be one of our best

11/11/2023 3:31:03 PM
We just did a radio interview.

10/11/2023 7:38:47 AM
a new song about making friends on the internet

9/12/2023 9:21:56 AM
We tried a novelty song this time..

7/16/2023 7:14:37 AM
a monumental new song

6/7/2023 8:45:18 AM
Neg Ten returns to its rock roots with a song that will stay in your head

5/4/2023 4:12:02 PM
Big Day for the band..

4/3/2023 8:49:37 PM
a swampy new song about space travel

3/24/2023 11:24:42 AM
Brand new from Neg Ten - It's a groovy, feelgood kinda song.

3/2/2023 7:47:06 AM
our psychedelic era

2/22/2023 12:02:07 PM
what our band is up to

1/26/2023 10:24:28 AM
new R&Bish song for yas

12/13/2022 10:37:42 AM
Are you ready for a sexy spacerock ditty

11/24/2022 4:54:40 PM
How short can a song be?

10/15/2022 1:18:25 PM
gloaty man on rampage

9/26/2022 9:53:45 AM
new Stonesey rocker by Neg Ten

9/14/2022 2:56:03 AM
Neg Ten attempts a song that's a mite ambitious

9/7/2022 3:33:19 AM
working on 4 songs

8/26/2022 8:45:50 AM
our latest promotional technique

8/1/2022 3:34:23 AM
We did a pretty song for a change.

6/8/2022 10:22:02 AM
something psychedelic this way comes

5/22/2022 11:15:37 AM
Brand new tune - it's a true story

4/5/2022 9:15:57 AM
a new song about justice

3/17/2022 7:33:59 PM
new song about trains - lots of harmonies

2/24/2022 1:45:10 PM
so what are we up to musically? anything?

2/20/2022 12:11:09 PM
a new song in a different vein

2/1/2022 10:44:33 PM
new song about sex with an alien

1/12/2022 3:02:01 PM
new Beatlesque tune

12/19/2021 11:35:12 AM
All it takes to make my baby happy..

11/16/2021 8:59:34 PM
got interviewed

10/30/2021 12:30:42 PM
What's this? Acclaimed rock band attempts innocent love song?

10/17/2021 7:55:46 PM
another new song - Some Kinda Night - special nighttime release :)

10/14/2021 9:23:18 AM
Want to play a guessing game?

10/1/2021 12:13:02 PM
new song

9/18/2021 12:29:09 PM
new Neg Ten rocker

9/16/2021 2:15:59 PM
22 years online talking about the future of rock

9/7/2021 10:22:53 PM
Neg Ten covers the Beatles

8/22/2021 4:39:00 AM
Music Activism Works and our band proved it.

8/5/2021 11:54:40 AM
Doncha know it's not right?

7/24/2021 10:33:17 AM
for all casual fans of our band

7/4/2021 10:20:21 PM
update on Neg Ten

6/23/2021 10:30:21 AM
Brand New Single - It's a Purty Ballad

5/29/2021 11:15:36 AM
Pleased to bring yas our new ambitious single

5/21/2021 8:45:48 PM
Our next release will be lethal.

4/30/2021 8:42:03 AM
new song - fresh tune

4/11/2021 10:56:40 PM
a heart warming story

4/6/2021 5:57:03 PM
musings on the usefulness of youtube videos

3/22/2021 9:57:15 AM
our new single may be too heavy for some of yas

2/25/2021 2:36:48 PM
Mike Lance

2/21/2021 9:39:35 AM
new killa song - Wild Tomorrow

2/16/2021 6:51:31 PM
I really hesitate to post this

12/9/2020 10:00:04 AM
another new song, this one of the blues rock persuasion

11/30/2020 12:08:27 PM
WTF? Neg Ten's New Single a Country Song?

11/21/2020 3:57:28 PM
What's coming next for Neg Ten?

11/7/2020 1:39:59 PM
Here's our new one, celebrating the end of our 4 year American nightmare

10/10/2020 12:59:44 PM
something majestic..

9/26/2020 9:45:49 AM
another groove heavy tune from your favorite indie band

9/3/2020 2:36:48 PM
we just reached 30,000 followers on Twitter.

8/16/2020 1:02:08 PM
new and different from Neg Ten

7/24/2020 11:38:11 AM
new hard rock song

6/26/2020 1:52:33 PM
the softer side of Neg Ten

6/20/2020 9:02:23 PM
Brace yoselves

5/24/2020 6:02:10 PM
brand new song

4/7/2020 10:15:43 AM
new song coming around the corner

3/8/2020 10:29:46 AM
Our new Secret Agent song now has a video

1/19/2020 3:52:17 PM
we reached 19,000 followers on Twitter

1/13/2020 3:23:16 PM
Brand Spanking New from Neg Ten, a sophisticated pop song

1/6/2020 3:13:20 PM
new and rockin'

1/2/2020 9:56:03 PM
with a little help from our friend Zeeza

11/6/2019 3:10:08 PM
Spoofing Bowie

10/17/2019 4:52:48 AM
Neg Ten reaches 10,000 followers on Twitter.

10/10/2019 12:05:41 AM
It's an indie

9/3/2019 8:16:00 AM
a song about romance in times when 300 million guns are pointed at you

8/29/2019 11:48:12 AM
the first ever Neg Ten song with saxophone

7/30/2019 2:53:32 PM
we pimped up our page

7/28/2019 6:16:06 PM
passed 4000 followers on Twitter

6/7/2019 7:15:19 AM
brand new video for You Turn My Pages

6/3/2019 4:15:55 PM
when a rock band goes Motown

5/18/2019 3:18:00 AM
new video for Hardship Lane

4/22/2019 10:02:40 AM
The seasons are changin', our problems the same

4/9/2019 5:42:35 PM
Do Ya Think It's Ok?

3/29/2019 9:13:49 AM

3/9/2019 9:58:47 AM
another brand new song by your favorite rockers

2/17/2019 4:06:23 PM
the most important song this year??

2/8/2019 8:49:43 PM
we mean business.

1/17/2019 8:22:07 AM
political music

9/4/2017 3:16:20 AM
We got interviewed.

8/5/2017 3:55:33 AM
Holy infidelity! Our new video...........................

8/3/2017 2:53:09 PM
Let Your Feet Walk

8/1/2017 7:44:35 AM
If you have Twitter, please follow our band.

7/12/2017 9:31:33 PM
Well every dog has its day

7/10/2017 11:34:51 AM
we. crossed. the. threshold.

6/26/2017 9:01:27 AM
rumors of a comeback?

4/30/2017 9:50:26 AM
a psychedelic party

1/26/2017 6:20:52 AM
Is there even an audience for rock like the Who and the Stones anymore?

1/9/2017 1:51:35 PM
Let the pre-hype begin

10/22/2016 7:11:38 PM
Led Zeppelin II was released 47 years ago today

7/29/2016 6:46:33 AM
The ultimate act of musical rebellion

7/28/2016 12:02:07 PM

5/24/2016 1:06:18 PM
for all the new pipeliners who like rock.. Are you ready for the future?

5/8/2016 8:52:48 AM
It's coming.

5/2/2016 12:28:07 PM
We just released our DMD and it is pretty cheap.

4/26/2016 5:12:52 AM
Don't forget about us.

2/21/2016 11:58:05 AM
Astronauts heard unexplainable music on the moon.

2/7/2016 8:21:04 AM
That time has come around again..

1/9/2016 11:32:54 AM
new Negative Tendencies song is good for a freakout

10/16/2015 5:36:01 PM
WTF? Neg Tendencies take on the mighty Zep in a new hardrock romantic thrilla!!

10/10/2015 12:36:31 PM
fear of speaking online, like on the pipeline


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negative tendencies

8/31/2024 1:31:20 PM ---- Updated 8/31/2024 1:33:04 PM

Here's a new one out of our Beatles bag o' tricks

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9/1/2024 2:13:03 PM

A little Beatles; a little Beach Boys. Love it!

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Richard Scotti

9/1/2024 2:20:46 PM

NT is consistently entertaining!

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negative tendencies

9/2/2024 8:29:14 AM

Thanks you guys for checking it out and for the comments. In this day and age, getting anyone at all to type anything about songs is seeming next to impossible.

I don't say this out of music frustration because I know no other way to live my life than to do songs, I feel it's the best of me and my stupid income-earning career is nothing to me. but I do remember when I was in my 20s and thought to myself I'm pretty good at this songwriting thing, maybe I could be rich and famous someday. and that was waay before I hooked up with this ultimately badassed band. Now Neg Ten is pushing like close to 100 quality melodic/lyrical songs but we're going nowhere, we're obscenely treading water. It doesn't feel right. Obvious as Brian Wilson wrote, I Just Wasn't Made For These Times but people are so goddamned buried in their smartphones with their tiny screens that I know my lifeblood is just taking up cyberspace, wtf?

Ever since college, my theme song has been Neil Young's On The Beach, the world is turning, I hope it don't turn away. I went to the radio interview and I ended up along at the microphone. As of today I'm changing my theme song, it's been this since 1979. Starting today it's Springsteen's Reason To Believe.

I'm the man standing over a dead dog down the highway in a ditch, man's lookin' kinda puzzled, pokin' that dog with a stick.

Ever since college, my life's theme song has been Neil Young's On The Beach. I'm changing it now to Springsteen's Reason To Believe cause I could've written that. I'm the guy standing over a dead dog by the highway in a ditch, lookin' down kinda puzzled, pokin' that dog with a stick. Got his cardoor swung open, he's standin' out on Hiway 31, like if he stood there long enough, that dog'd get up and run.

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Bryon Tosoff

9/2/2024 9:32:52 AM

cool negten, and dig the name

Always love the father time takes on life, music and hope for getting your music going and growing,

so as I see it, not only is it the hooks in the song and the lyrical content that catches ones ear, it is a lot of being young, looks and sex appeal too,and getting ones message out there, so that means, playing live, loving the process and building ones craft.

Those are some of the formula for success, although not just being be good but being exceptional, at what you do in music cause there is so much of a glut of it out there, the other thing, its youthful enthusiasm, drive ,determination and a powerful desire to improve and sprinkled with positive attitude

As one successful fellow said to me, you gotta "press the flesh", in real life situations,in other words you have to be out there hanging around people and exude a positive attitude and love others more then yourself, "kinda"

timing is everything, and as my mom said to me many times "you make your own world" and "be nice" no one likes being around a crank , lol

okay, wishing your band much happenings and grooving songs FT

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Chris Hance

9/2/2024 12:46:56 PM

Sounds quite lively and poppy, but I must say I do prefer the more "social comment" side of Neg Ten, I'll give it a like on YT for you though :)

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Richard Scotti

9/2/2024 3:25:04 PM ---- Updated 9/2/2024 6:11:11 PM

I made peace with failure a long time ago by not viewing it as failure. I never wanted fame and fortune but I do wish I had made more money over the years. Everything costs so much now, especially housing. Success in the music business is very elusive and no one should beat themselves up for not reaching the top of the ladder. As Dylan sang: “it’s just a shadow that you see that he is chasing.”
I count my blessings and I’m grateful that me and mine have a roof over our heads and most of the simple necessities of life and that I have always stayed true to my music and will do so as long as I can.

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Bryon Tosoff

9/3/2024 8:23:27 AM

What I said above, I stand by, yet there are exceptions.

I will say that if someone wants to get out in the real world and do something NOW it can be done, you DON'T have to be young and full of piss and vinegar like my Dad used to say, it is not always about youth, good looks and sex lol.

John Pippus has a project and it is doing well, he is a couple years younger then me and as you all know I am older then that fake old guy that shows up here telling us how old he is and he is not real ahaha.

Here is his latest exploit

John Pippus Tour
Day 1. Fall Tour begins! Driving 10 hours today to Cranbrook BC. First show tomorrow in Cranbrook. Then 37 more shows after that. Fifteen of us in two vehicles. Eight singers, five piece band, sound guy, and lighting tech.

John Pippus Facebook page and current tour
here is Johns IMPNATION page JOHN PIPPUS page here at IMP

My Brother Ted has a project doing covers of BTO Bachman Turner Overdrive and will be performing at a theatre that holds 500 people , my Bro is 64, his current band have been doing shows of late elsewhere too.

Blue Collar Overdrive
Blue Collar Overdrive

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Bryon Tosoff

9/3/2024 8:27:16 AM

My Brothers current project
Blue Collar Overdrive
Blue Collar Overdrive

So I am right and I am wrong or something.

Keep living your dreams, right now

well done to FT neg ten project, great sound!

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Steve April

9/3/2024 2:51:16 PM

Well, look on the bright side...

We're alive & kickin', and making music...

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Bruce Sticky

9/4/2024 3:34:50 PM ---- Updated 9/4/2024 4:59:15 PM

This troll was banned.

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Bryon Tosoff

9/11/2024 6:52:11 PM

This is a great song, awesome beat, rollicking rocking vibe, singing stellar, guitars wicked cool, killer bass and percussion, too cooollllio

added to the eYe

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Bryon Tosoff

9/11/2024 7:39:49 PM

Girls with bangs rox to the eYe eyeyeyeye

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