Father Time
10/19/2015 1:44:01 PM
---- Updated 10/19/2015 1:55:37 PM
Is an artist better off not caring if folks listen to his or her music?
I suppose I'd be happier if I didn't care about that but I don't know, you work on a song, you want people to hear it, don't you?
Bryon Tosoff
10/19/2015 1:59:59 PM
I guess so FT , we all want to have what we create in song and or in song and words listened to. Someone is going to like it and listen. you must get some kind of an idea from your reviews, or listens that you track. I suppose if we have expectations and hopes about whatever we release to the wild out there in music land that there must be someone who digs it. as for me, I shrug my shoulders and go, good or cool. but dont get disappointed if none get added to a station , I dont check the plays here so have no clue what my standing is , if it gets downloaded and played on a terrestrial radio station , then I go, thats cool. I have my album on rotation on a few stations back east in canada, (released 5 years ago and still getting spins) and it shows up on the tracking system i use or the station publishes their playlistings so I know that I am getting something, and know I will get some royalties as well. one station played my songs 900 times over a year, so that adds up. And at cdbaby i do get downloads there as well. so a few peoples get what I do, but i wont be making millions , maybe a 1000 or so a year, i dont promote or pitch my stuff, I just mail it out or digitally submit it, I should show more interest in me, but dont, I promo others. perhaps I should get behind myself and do more
but i hear you, we as people , music people want to and need to be recognised
Bryon Tosoff
10/19/2015 2:42:40 PM
I guess I was trying to massage the question and give something that was yes and no
but Fred is right. cant be concerned with others opinions, because ultimately it is your art, and your soul goes deep within it ,. i was rationalizing the question Fred said the truth of the matter