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Father Time
12/16/2015 8:16:44 AM
New Promotional Item for Sale!!
only 29 dollars at your local Walgreens. :D
12/16/2015 8:51:21 AM
I have a Walgreen's near me. But somehow I think you are kidding.
Cafe Press however offers the ability to sell items such as this,
there was once upon a time a BEATLESEX Lunchbox
with the cover of I think our tenth album "Rock N Roll Pizza" on it.
Might still be there, I lost track of it.
I'll check Walgreen's again though.
Father Time
12/16/2015 9:16:18 AM
Sure, steal my thunder like you thought of it first. It's always about you Lesley. hahah
12/16/2015 12:18:07 PM
It is not all about me. And nobody said I thought of it first.
Okay it was years ago we put out a BEATLESEX lunchbox.
That means nothing, really. I think we sold one, to ourselves.
My purpose besides chatting of posting a response
was to ask if this is real.
Or did you just do a photo mock up.
Look, I'm an idiot, I'm merely trying to be friendly.
Do you in fact have a Father Time lunchbox on sale in Walgreens?
You don't, do you, you just said that, and I took the bait, thinking you do.
If it's ever all about me, it's all about what an idiot I am.
I meant no disrespect. Whatsoever.
I suppose I should see if the cafe press stores are still even there,
I haven't had the heart to look since my wife died.
It's not about me. I never should have been born, I'm quite sure of it.
I believe my point to you, was, if this is real, great,
and if not, why not sell one through Cafe Press?
It was a suggestion meant to be helpful. That's all.
12/16/2015 12:19:04 PM
to Lennon, it's kinda all about him,
he just asked me 'hey do you wanna find the lunchbox and post it here?'
and I said no. You're a dick, John.
12/16/2015 12:20:00 PM
I'm sorry, I'm getting near to the day when my wife died, and I have
not so great a sense of humor. I suspect you were just teasing me for a laugh.
And I'm too stupid to have figured that out but till now.
12/16/2015 12:21:03 PM
if this is real, and you really are selling them at Walgreens....
29 dollars seems a tad steep. I think we didn't charge 5 bucks or so...
can't remember.
Father Time
12/16/2015 12:57:02 PM
It was a joke. Walgreens said no. hahaha
Noah Spaceship
12/16/2015 2:36:27 PM
Walgreen's loss.
throw some scooby doo psychedelic flowers on it and I bet they'll carry it.
12/16/2015 3:27:21 PM
CafePress still exists. Don't think they got lunchboxes, though.
I think you should stick to the pic on the left, anyhow. Everybody plays guitar. But FT having a pleasurable experience is one of a kind. :)
12/16/2015 4:08:49 PM
Well yes, by about my third post on this thread I figured out you were joking.
Just as well, I doubt you'd sell a great many at that price, 29 bucks.
The reason that I brought up Cafe Press....
(and I'm not sure if they still have the lunchbox, I'll have to brave a look to see)
was so that, if they do have lunchboxes as movable product,
you could design your own.
And actually, know what'd look cool? The very logo you use for Father Time
when you post, that's your artist picture, right? That'd be great on it.
Might have to crop it a bit to fit the rectangle shape of the lunchbox,
but it looks cool.
If I find out they have them, I'll let you know about it.
And just so I've tagged this bell as well,
no, it's not all about me, I know I may've started out sounding like that...
that was before you had me listen to the top 25 Kayak songs, which I did,
and I realized as far as the state of music goes, we're in better shape than I
though, because this site, Indie Music People, is up to its eyeballs in talent.
I've been chugging along busting my ass for more years now than I
can remember, all to help improve the state of music...
well one way or another it's better now. Perhaps my work is soon done.
That'd be nice. Merry Happy Harry Nilsson.
12/16/2015 4:14:29 PM
It's about all of you. I'm a Muse of sorts, come to Earth to stir the pot or something,
and it's pretty stirred, and that's great news.
What else. I'm forgetting... right,
you don't even have to crop the picture, they just position it in the middle
of the lunchbox. Lunch not included.
There is no free lunch, you must pack one.
None the less I shall send in my 29 dollars
with a return address and you can send me the prototype if nothing else.
I'm kidding now.
You don't have to send me the prototype, I'm sure your kids are
very attached to it by now, fighting over who gets to take it this day,
"Yesterday was your day! I want it!"
What. I have a brother. I know what siblings do.
You're all fantastically talented,
and you should all have lunchboxes.
Just let me know how many, I'll make a ton of tuna sandwiches.
I make my tuna nuclear, any objections tell me ahead of time.
12/16/2015 8:49:50 PM
I always thought the pic on the left looked like FT captured walking out of a Grateful Dead concert on lsd.
Father Time
12/17/2015 12:00:30 AM
Actually the original pic was taken when i was drunk, if you'd see the whole thing you'd see I'm holding dice in my hand which are from a rare game called Jackpot Yahtzee. heh
12/17/2015 11:19:49 AM
We checked. There actually still is a bunch of BEATLESEX stuff at Cafe Press,
I barely even know how to navigate my site, my wife was in many ways the brains
of this whole operation, and I've had to go on brainless for going on three years now.
That said, no, there seems no longer to be a lunchbox.
Should've thought of that before I made all these sandwiches.
If I ever get a credit card, I may actually buy something. It has a lot
of the early B'sex album artwork, which was actually lost. Bit of history preserved.
Oh, one item they do offer still, seems to be clocks.
A Father Time Clock?
Come on. It's a Natural.
12/17/2015 11:20:41 AM
---- Updated 12/17/2015 11:23:54 AM
....you could even do your "Now O'Clock" thing... That's not a bad song title, even.
Would be perfect for a Father Time song. I almost wanna go make a record called that.
I won't though. That's gotta belong to you. Even if you keep it in reserve... ~L
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